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RSS Gwen

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Iraq was to blame. Iraq was too aggressive in its approach to Kuwait. For example, Iraq wanted the Bubiyan and Warbah islands so it can gain access to the open waters of the Persian Gulf. It tried to take them by force in 1960s and 1970s.

1 point

Public figures should not be held accountable for their own actions. They are only human, and humans make mistakes. If a celebrity slips up even once, it is remembered for as long as their fame exists. If a normal human slips up, it is dismissed as a mistake and forgotten. This double standard creates additional stress on these public figures and they might give in sometimes to impulsive and often unwise decisions, which are snapped up like a piece of prime meat by the bloodthirsty media industry and amplified to create a selling scandal. Public relations nightmares such as these places even more stress on the public figures, and it eventually becomes a vicious cycle.

There is also the matter of privacy. Prominent figures are entitled to their privacy, like any other average citizen, but their privacy is often infringed upon for tasty scoops by the paparazzi – even common folk with cameras and video recorders – for their own benefit. Public figures have to watch themselves because they never know who's watching. In addition, because of the way the opportunistic media tends to negatively interpret their actions, they always have to be perfect and be the 'ideal person', not the person they really are. This is basically stripping away their freedom of choice. As a result, they become, essentially, puppets and dolls of the masses and media, to be manipulated and played with as they see fit.

2 points

Although Stalin's rule killed millions and caused the suffering of a million more, it is evident that Stalin was a success. He managed to set Russia onto a modern path, and lay the foundation for a first world country. By implementing collectivization, he brought grain production to a record 100 million tons, at least 30 million tons more than before collectivization's implementation. With the increase in grain, Russia was able to gain capital via exports and feed workers in cities to move Stalin's other plan, industrialization, forward. A tribute to his success would be that Russia managed to fend off Germany, a major military power, when Germany attacked Russia during WW2.

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