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RSS Haiyo

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yep, Work and live hard till war ends, or die, watch comrades die, and kill people when you don't completely want to. They got laid to relieve the stress. I'm a lot more determined, so I would sacrifice my life instead of live as someone who hides doing hard work. No difference from life at the moment. Don't graduate, someone's a dropout, they will have to work somewhere like McDonalds for the rest of their life, not completely easy for a job too. Or get a good and productive job thats hard like being a nurse or doctor. Determined to help the best I can. Seems fair to me though.

2 points

1st. People didn't bother with Amazon woman that much, they are like Native Americans, just do what they want, if they meet with the colonists, conflict happens otherwise they don't bother.

2nd. Maybe they wouldn't be to be reproduced, but Men created Electricity, created cures for diseases, just about every brick u see was put there by men, almost everything is created by men. There are only some woman who can do that stuff good as men. No Need For Men, No Need For Any Houses Or Hunting Weapons, Electricity, etc. Men can create more valuable things than a monopoly game for sure. Yes monopoly was created by a woman.

3rd. Yes cause Running can do so many productive things. Upper body strength helps out on getting labor done. I'm pretty sure that's more useful for our environment.

4th Girls don't stare at bright stuff as much as guys, in labor jobs, electricity, etc, it's very bright, and guys have to be outside often where the sun is out. If a girl does labor, study shows they can't last as long as men, majority at least since we brought majority in the conversation.

Okay, I'm done.

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2 points

Men go to war and die to protect EVERYONE, that's great determination. Don't reply saying men are mean and brutal and start wars, if you research of how war is like and the soliders feel about fighting, they will say they fight to protect their comrades and their nation. They don't fight cause they think its entertaining or anything, if they had the chance to make it so that everyone in the world doesn't fight anymore, trust me they will chose that without hesitation.

2 points

Dick Masterson I don't agree with EVERYTHING he says, but he owned that girl in that argument.

2 points

In sex, guys do all the work, it's pretty tiring. Girls usually are housewives, guys work for money. Don't say not all girls do, then looking at the stuff I've read saying girls are better, they say guys don't mature as fast as girls, better at multitasking, eat less, etc. From the looks of what the people who comments support girls, they use the majority of people to find their facts. Likewise majority of gender graduating college, girls graduate a lot more than guys, but the guys that did are doing something big in life. If you look in the past, not nearly as many girls solved or discovered stuff like science terms such as matter, discover the space, find new resources, create new substances, etc. I assume that someone will say that girls didn't cause they didn't get a chance too cause of no rights. That I can somewhat agree with, but if you think about it. When you learn science or math or social studies in school, those are the basics, and when you learn them, your teachers often say that men created it. There are some woman that did, but the Majority of men created that stuff, currently too they still are. At school, most of the time when you watch videos for education like How matter works, the person in the video is a guy. Backing up to saying housewives and guys work mostly, when they do, its pretty often where the guy works 12/5 times a week or so to provide their family, my own dad does it 15/6 to provide his family. Saying that they should've got a better job, why can't the mom go get a good job to support the family then, not many woman do that. They don't because being a housewife is easier. Staying at home, having your own rules, doing chores, taking care of children and bonding with them or something seems a lot better than going to work getting yelled at your boss to do this and that. Most woman afterwords just nag to their man after they came from work. In work you have no freedom. At home you do, after the man got his paycheck, they would want to use it on something for them, woman though use it on stuff like clothe instead. Now talk about equal rights? I agree woman are not equal with men still, I am against that. But if there was equal rights, girls can't complain about seeing guy's half naked or with their belly's shown in school, girls can't complain from getting hit when they hit a guy first, they can't complain about being the first to open a door or let the guy in first, they would have to keep pace physically with men. There are a ton of things I can say girls don't have to do, and less things girls can use as a excuse to men in probably wrong. You look at a girl, then a guy, if the girl was in trouble and the guy, and you had to pick one, you would pick the girl. If you picked the guy you will get trashed on by people saying "Your sexiest go die in a ditch," if you picked the girl everyone wouldn't have a reaction that much. In wars you only see guys in them. They fight to protect EVERYONE, girls just sit in the city whining about how bad their husband is or something. You look at the death rate of genders, men die about 3 times as much as woman do. You may say it's cause all men are vicious, brutal, take drugs, etc. That's Bull Shit. You look in the past and at this present. In the past there wasn't many equal stuff with woman, but at this present there is more equal stuff with woman. Did you know that 100k male prisoners got raped by woman? Didn't think so. No one focuses on men that much as woman. I find it interesting that male's are getting raped now as woman equality becomes better. Women seems to be stressing over about what a guy's life is now. Cause women are starting to be the providers and doing what men did in the past. I overdid it with this, but its the truth. I could say way more than this, but I doubt people would if I did, too long, I doubt you even got to this part and just commented while u were still reading. What does this have to do with guys being better than girls, these statistics show that guy's have it a lot harder than woman, they deserve more respect.

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