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RSS HeoYub

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Iraq was to blame for the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was largely motivated by its desire to take control over the latter's vast oil reserves. The Iraqi government justified its invasion by claiming that Kuwait was a natural part of Iraq carved off as a result of British imperialism. Saddam Hussein had gambled that he could get away with seizing the tiny oil–rich nation to help pay off debts. But his gamble did not pay off –– he had misread the interests of the international community and the United States in a stable Middle East and invaded Kuwait.

In addition, the Iraqi military allegedly committed crimes while in Kuwait. Evidence suggests that it tortured and killed hundreds of Kuwaiti nationals and people from other nations. Foreign hostages were taken, Kuwaiti properties were looted, and Iraqi forces set fire to more than 700 Kuwaiti oil wells and opened pipelines to let oil pour into the Gulf. In addition to these crimes, Saddam may be tried for the crime of aggression. An Iraqi law dating back to the 1950s prohibits the act of aggressive war against other Arab countries.

3 points

While one might argue that they should not be scrutinised as they are entitled to their right to privacy, what about cases in which public figures break the law? In cases such as these, public figures should not be any different from any individual and should be held accountable for their actions as they should not be exempted from the law.

4 points

However, one have not taken into account the great amounts of influence that this public figures have on the public as a whole. While public figures might have the ability to complete their job, as role models to society, they should be held accountable for their moral breeches when actions they commit come to question their integrity. In the situation that we do not account for the actions undertaken by public figures in private, the minds of the next generation might feel it is right and okay for them to commit similar actions in the future. As a result, we should account public figures for the actions that they have committed, whether in the past or in the future.

1 point

However, one could argue that public figures should be held accountable for their actions. This is due to the fact that public figures are aware of the limelight that they place their families and themselves, especially with the technological advances in the past decades that allows easier and greater distribution of information. In addition, all public figures, celebrities included, do also shape how youths view society as a whole as often these public figures are their role models. Children and teenagers alike might end up following in the footsteps of these public figures and end up breaching moral standards and also the ethical values of society as a whole. In view of this, public figures be held accountable for the actions of that they undertake, even those done in private as to deter youths from copying the actions of these public figures in the future.

4 points

Public figures should be held accountable for their actions. This is due to the vast amounts of respect that public figures, such as athletes and politicians hold in the eyes of the younger generation. In fact, it has been indeed shown that the actions of these public figures do leave an impression of children and teenagers, actions which they might try to follow in the footsteps in. Therefore, actions undertaken in private by public figures should be held accountable by the public figures as they actively mould and shape the morals and ethical values of the newer generation.

1 point

One might argue that Stalin's dictatorship was also responsible for huge economic progress, which allowed Russia' economy to catch up to that of the world's superpowers of that time, such as the US within the short span of a few years. Russia was changed from a country that was mainly dependent upon agricultural means to one whose economy was boosted quickly. However, one must also remember that even during industrialization, the prosperity was rarely felt by any of the Russian people at all. Shops often had nothing for the people to buy. Things such as railway stations and collectivized farms also resulted in the deaths of millions of people which no amount economic progress can compensate for. In view of this, Stalin's dictatorship was a failure.

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