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RSS HuskiBoi

Reward Points:10
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1 point

Obviously not. You can see that the very idea of God is imperfect, like human idea. If you analyze how people describe God to be, you can see that he doesn't exist. Here's a reason why:

Christians say that God is all-powerful, all-loving, and all-knowing, right? Then, if God created the universe, it is implied that God knew about all of the suffering that was going to come out of His creation, and yet, He still created it. He could have just made a better universe, one without suffering and sin, right? Seeing that He is all-powerful, He could have avoided that.

So it could be said that, maybe He did not know of all the suffering that was going to occur. You can bring this point back to the story of Adam and Eve. Christians say He is all-knowing, and yet, He didn't know that Eve was going to eat the fruit and tempt Adam into eating it too. He could have avoided the disaster by never creating sin, never creating humanity, or never creating such a fruit in the first place.

Basically, Christians state that God has all of the power in the universe, that He loves everyone, and that He knows everything; thus disproving His existence. If you know everything and love everyone, and you had the power to do anything, wouldn't you just end sin and suffering at once? Isn't it a sin in itself to let people suffer if you had the power to stop suffering? If so, it shows that God is imperfect; that even He sins, and actually sins every second. He knows children are starving in Africa, and He lets them starve. He knows people are dying from numerous diseases, and He lets those diseases thrive. He knows someone is going to commit murder, and He lets it happen. Sounds like a great God, doesn't it?

1 point

That's exactly why Deuteronomy talks about stoning people.

2 points

Yeah... Um, if you're going to support every word that this "God" states, read Deuteronomy. :/ stoning your kids to death when they talk back, killing the raped woman because she didn't scream out for help... Sounds pleasant, right?

1 point

Definitely. Everyone should have the right to marriage. And don't bring in crap about it "being against religion". Law shouldn't be based off of it in the first place. It only creates more loopholes, has people turn on each other, and several laws would be based off of sins (yes, I said it) such as social discrimination.

2 points

Why did you support "no" when clearly just posted a "yes"? We could've been unanimous...

1 point

"Psychopath" is just a word. It is used on people to try and explain their actions. I believe it is only a human idea, and that several types of people are given that title just because society doesn't know what else to call them. So for those who are crazy, mentally-unstable, or are just genuinely filled with a pleasure to do evil things, people call them "psychopaths" because they do not want to discover who they really are, or are just plain afraid of them.

4 points

So why did you type this post as a "negative"? You just gave a positive response.

1 point

No offense to anyone on the "yes" side, but you can't bring religion into this argument. Sure, it applies to the heavily-religious, and yes, you can reference the Bible and make the argument swing your way if it was a religious argument, BUT it isn't. This argument is over the general public, and the fact of the matter is, not everyone is a religious Christian like some of you are. So yes, sex before marriage is a sin, but it does not mean that the law should be altered just to fit your desires.

1 point

Not necessarily.

1) Many gays or lesbians still want children, and that leads them to finding surrogates.

2) It hurts the growth rate of the world's population. That can't hurt the advancement of the human race. We will eventually overpopulate this planet, and we can already visually see the effects of THAT advancement. Are you sure that gays, which serve as a birth control to humans, are really a negative thing?

1 point

I don't believe in Demons. Seeing that it answers the question, I should probably get a point for that.

Otherwise, you would have to prove whether religion even exists. Then you can really prove whether Demons do or do not exist.

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