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Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Capitalists hate communism . Yet they depend on their goods being made in communists countries where workers can be kept in line.

1 point

Really ? I though it was brought to that Island by Germany .

1 point

Poverty may not cause boredom . The largest group of drug users in my country, Ireland, is middle class women, not poor junkies . Drug use and sex to fight boredom is across all social classes . Just look at the actor who died recently Mr Hoffman . Manhattan upper class relapsed and died , may he rest in peace . The man must have been deeply unhappy and bored.

1 point

So your argument is that a job will take a person above the poverty line ? What about the Walmart workers on welfare or the many other examples of the working poor around the world . Having a job is no guarantee a person will every achieve wealth . Your understanding of poverty is naive and a typical neoliberal hogwash . What about the structural reasons of poverty ? But that does not suit the advantaged persons mindset that he is a self made man and got to where he is because he worked hard . " People with advantages are loath to believe that they just happen to be people with advantages."

C. Wright Mills

2 points

No please explain point 6, it might not go over the rest of every other persons head .

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