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Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

While there is a chance that the information presented could be biased, there is always a possibility that the person presenting the information isn't biased on the topic and someone could research the topic if they feel that they are biased.

1 point

Yes, the news can spread misinformation but their are always people ready to debunk their information with correct information or researching the topic to see if what the person in question is saying.

1 point

Yes, while the Russian's did try to hack the 2016 election, there are still many positives on social media with movements like the gay and transgender rights and woman's rights and the sharing of opinions and ideas to reach a understanding.

1 point

While what you say is true with people staying with others who share their ideas, there are other people who change mindsets after talking with others. For example with the BLM movement. However there is always varying opinions on any topic like the supernatural, politics, or anything else.

1 point

While misinformation can and is spread, there are also people who dispute them and educate the people on the right information

1 point

Yes it can be used to help assemble rallies and protests for important matters like the BLM movement

2 points

I believe that social media is good for democracy. One reason why is because it can be used to help inform people about events going on like presidential debates or rallies. It can also be used to help people talk about their problems online and receive support from others about anything.

JACKSON_G has not yet created any debates.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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