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RSS JCPotter

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
0 points

Convert back to athiesm. Filial piety is the best. Atheism is the disbelief in any god, but it's still possible for you to follow the values of Christianity without calling yourself a Christian. I'm sure god will forgive you.

1 point

Cell phones are allowed in my school and we still do fairly OK. In fact, we rarely use it in class unless to take a photo of the stuff written on the whiteboard, or photos of the homework list. Sometimes our teachers will sms us the location of the lessons and we can reply them in class. Occasionally, we would send funny texts across the class though.

3 points

Would you kill or eat someone you love? I find the logic would apply everywhere, be it with humans and animals.

I think it's because meat nowadays comes in packets or in supermarkets and people don't see the real animal. They find it hard to relate their food to the animals, and thus ignore the fact that they are eating the things they claim to love.

1 point

Yes, we eat plants, but plants are not sentient beings as compared to animals. We don't spray cockroaches (but we do wipe our tables clean). Who's to say that an animal's life is not worth as much as yours then?

That's how the world is, and unless we don't do something (like become vegetarian), it will never change. I'm sure it's possible to not starve as a vegetarian, I'm one (and I'm healthier than most :P). I don't kill ants or anything on purpose either. And I plead all of you, to follow us vegetarians on a healthier lifestyle.


It's not as easy as that though. As vegetarians, we still need to watch our diet carefully.

JCPotter(9) Clarified
1 point

For this argument, my side showed up as nah, I like mcdonalds. It should be Yea, it's good for you.

2 points

I agree. Being completely vegetarian isn't easy at all. I fully agree with the avoiding cosmetics and fur boots and coats too!

However, I disagree with the you won't be doing any good part, for the same reasons as above.

Animal rights to live. (Oh btw I believe that plants may be living things but they do are not sentient, thus we eat them)

Health reasons.

Environmental reasons (energy inefficiency and climate change).

1 point

I think you're even more misguided now. Or, if you want a harsher word, illogical.

I admit that the farming process does kill animals. But some things cannot be avoided, and I believe the animals will learn.

I also admit that farming does take up land, which would mean deforestation.

However, cattle ranching is one of the largest causes of deforestation, especially for the Amazon rain-forest.

You say that even if not all animals are pampered for slaughter, they are at least not abused. That is not for you to say, as you are no animal waiting for slaughter. Do you really consider being locked up everyday an awesome treatment? Sure, the animals get free food, but this reminds me uncannily of prison.

You mentioned that the last point (animals eat crops) is irrelevant. However, I consider it the crux of the issue, beyond abuse of animal rights or health or anything else.

By law of energy transfer along food chains, there is 90% in terms of chemical potential energy with every step down the food chain. Why do most people not understand that the amount of energy inefficiency going around here is not just affecting the poor animals, but is costing us too! I've heard that the amount of crops consumed by a cow in a year can feed all the starving people in the world. How many can a cow feed!

To put it simply, compare a world where everybody is vegetarian and another world where everyone is not (they eat meat). There vegetarian world would be 10times more energy efficient than the non-vegetarian one. It may be even more, since some animals are not just one step down in the food chain from plants. The non-vegetarian world would also consume 10times more vegetation then the vegetarian world.

Notice that I use the word "vegetation". I concede that not all animals are fed with crops (like corn), but feed on grass and other vegetation that are useless to humans as food. This brings us to an important point.

Vegetation takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen required for respiration. Animals take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Not only that, decomposition of dead or waste matter, and some excretory products (through the muzzle and the rear end) produces methane (another greenhouse gas) and more carbon dioxide. This point reminds you of something very very important?

Yes, you got that right, it's climate change (Global warming is part of climate change). The greed of humans is consuming the world.

2 points

You're dead wrong.

" If you're doing it for the animals, consider the fact that the animals you eat are already dead."

They're dead only because people refuse to become vegetarian, and with demand comes supply.

" remember that some meat in your diet is healthy as well. Probably healthier than becoming a vegetarian."

How many times must we say this being vegetarian is as healthy as meat eating. Perhaps even healthier, as meat is heavier and takes a toll on our system. Veges stimulates peristalsis and provides bulk. If you're talking proteins, we get them from beans, nuts and seeds etc.

1 point

Transport evolves.

First there's canoes and horseback riding. Replaced by boats, trishaws, bicycles and carriages. Transforms into ships and trains and the first automobiles. Then comes airplanes, which is now undermining the usefulness of ships as a form of transport.

In time, the era of cars will pass, and they will be eliminated.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, don't be lazy

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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