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RSS Jellybeenz

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

Do you have actual evidence that he did such a thing or are you just that hungry for an online dick fight?

Also what does this have to do with God? o.o;

0 points

It was a couple thousand years between the covenants and his first coming....If i had to guess, we've got roughly another 2,000 years or so. Maybe more.

0 points

Illogical, one of your assumptions is that thought determines life. Cells are considered living organisms as are amoeba, even if they can't think in the same sense that we do. Most often those tissues and cells are thrown out, or else contained for usage or experimentation. Either way they will be disposed of in some way, ergo killed, once aborted. You have mistaken a fetus for inanimate material, which is what truly cannot die.

1 point

Is college necessary to be successful? No. Can it be enriching and make it easier to succeed in your chosen passion? yes. Overall what will really help you be successful in the world will be critical thinking skills, money and time management skills, interview skills, a polished resume, and above all, contacts and experience. Contacts and experience trump everything. If you know people and you have the field skills, you'll find jobs much more easily.

I'm probably missing a few other things, but they're all things that you don't necessarily need college for. However, I must admit that I'm not taking into account learning styles. I learn more quickly with structure and pressure, so I'm not a very good self-learner. x:

1 point

"Anomalous result?" He's an actual artist! You can't just generalize and demand other people to submit to you. Proof it man, show us some figures or counter with your own experience.

1 point

You've got a mixture of arguments here...I mean by the numbers, and even culturally, it's still more or less an activity that more women put effort into the men. Skill is another discussion entirely. If you're saying that women are inherently predisposed to be better at it, then i'd say no. They're good at it and more attuned to it because of our culture. I'm a male and I put some serious thought and scrutiny into what I buy, especially clothes. My gender is irrelevant with regard to my shopping skill--that's just something you acquire when you start to care about what you buy and how you spend your money.

1 point

How am I supposed to get my swag on if my boots aren't worth a small country's GDP?!? D:<

1 point

...You DO realize that it was the DEMOCRATIC party in the 1800s that supported slavery right? I mean seriously man, this is basic history! The Democratic party didn't become the "minority race party" until around the mid 1900s or so. I might be a bit off on the switch timing, but I know for damn sure they weren't on your side back in the slave days!

I hate both parties myself, but I think there's a few holes in your argument that you haven't fleshed out.

1 point

So awareness and freedom equal life? That sounds dangerously general. Also, how do you know that unborn children are unaware? There are some who claim that children learn to recognize their mother's voice while inside the womb.

1 point

Why? Because supposedly kids will learn more? I think kids deserve time to be on their own and explore their own interests. The best learning is achieved either by experience, or by drive and desire, not when someone forces it on you.

Also, is the argument referring to just public school or all school in general? If it's public school then I'm gonna have to upgrade my answer to a big hell no.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Matthew 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other
Education: In College

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