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RSS JohnParker

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I will believe god doesn’t exist when you guys can prove to me that we walked on the moon and the Holocaust really did take place…… MAKE ‘ME’ BELIEVE!!! takes nothing to dismiss something as untrue....... it takes a lot to really believe in something..... it is very easy to not accept evidence..... just try me....

1 point

You could say that, or you could say that people were ‘born to hate gay’s and others’ that are different, so why fight the hate instinct if gays don’t need to fight their instincts…if we all born this way why fight it... ? This will be argued until the end of time….lol….. The people that do hate gays, or at least say they do, more than likely hate, or at least say they hate, pedafiles, polygamy, s and m, orgies, porn, masturbation, insets, bestiality, and so forth……. My point is that it is sex. Still one of the greatest taboos…… and people that are openly gay will get hammered for this. People who practice the other sexual interests typically are not open about it. If they are open about it, they are in their ‘group of friends or family’. They don’t broadcast it to the world due to the sensitive nature of the subject. And yes, these people can use all the same arguments as ‘gays’ for their ‘interests’, or ‘activities’……”They were born this way…”….”I just like it”…… We as people have a little more tolerance for drugs, music, even racial social mixing, because these are not that great of a taboo any more….. and soon sex will not be either. We will talk about it and all the ‘sick’ things with it. We will still judge others based on what we think is right, but will have more tolerance for it….. live and let live with time…..

1 point

It may be like people’s choice in music. Why do some people love country and others love rap? Are they born liking their choices in music? Some people would say yes. That it’s genetic and compare them to somebody else in their family who also loves that music. Then you would have people saying that due to their cultural surroundings and the way they were raised is why they like that music. Even the people who like the music will give their two cents. “I’ve liked country ever since I could walk….and nobody’s going to change that!” …….or……. “I have always ‘secretly’ loved country, but because my family and friends were always against it, I would have to listen to it in my ‘closet’……. But now I am ready to admit that I love country music!!!”……..or……. “I love country music and always will, but I want to try something deferent, who knows I might like rap better….. I have always kind of been attracted to it……. In the end, nobody will ever really know......

2 points

Conducting a study in the form of case studies and surveys on subjects such as this is really pointless. You are gathering information on people’s opinions, nothing more. And because people lie and/or don’t convey their true beliefs, theory’s and actual decision making process clearly, all of this is a waste of time. Example….. A girl fall’s in love with a guy…… the relationship turns out bad and they break up. She then finds another guy she loves. She loves this man so much she then decides to say that this is true love and that she was never actually in love with the first guy. Now if while dating the first guy, she was interviewed/survey, and asked if she was “in love”, she would have replied yes. And, at the time thought she was. So does the fact that she dismisses the first love affect the interview/ survey? It all comes down to opinion. And opinion is never right or wrong, or is that an opinion…lol? We can sit here all day and split hairs to weather or not she loved both guys or not…. End the end the girl herself might not really even know. What am I trying to say here? I believe that all people like different things for different reasons. Some people might like doing those things for a short while, and other forever. It might be gay sex, it might be religion, or it might be spending a shit load of money on your dog every month. In the end people need to explore the avenues for themselves, and other people need to leave them alone. Tolerance, and acceptance is the key no matter the subject!!!

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