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RSS Jordalyn

Reward Points:1
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1 point

To start us off, Hitler should be accountable for World War 2. There were other ways that Hitler could have chose to go on about, but he had to choose the most destructive road that led to his 'success'.Truth to be told, he started the war for his own benefit. He prioritized his own goals over the ones of Germany. In his book, 'Mein Kampf' or 'My Struggles', he stated that he desired war. He wanted to hold the key that controlled the world. He wanted the whole world to bow down to Germany and to give the other countries a taste of their own medicine. Many innocent lives were lost due to Hitler's actions. Many were sent to concentration camps and some were even subjected to his cruel human experimentations. In a way, he betrayed humanity by torturing many, young and old, to their deaths. Basically, he had a psychopathic personality that led to many losing their lives on the battleground for no good reason.Furthermore, if it wasn't for him letting his thirst for power override his original plans to bring Germany back to her former glory, the world would not have gone to war again despite knowing how much destruction the first war brought. Germany was already weak from the first war yet he had to bring the country into another war without thinking that if Germany were to lose, she might not be able to recover this time.The Nazi empire was meant to serve and protect the Germans yet they brought nothing but death as they annihilated those that oppose them. In the end, they left nothing behind except the synonym for human evil.

Yes, the terms of the Treaty of Versailles was a part of why Hitler wanted to start a war, however this was not a main reason. His psychotic personality and thirst for power was what drived him to start a war. He only used the treaty as a cover-up/trigger so that he could used this as a stepping stone for world domination.

Jordalyn and Jessintha

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