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RSS Josiah

Reward Points:1
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

It should. Many people on the other side of this argument repeatedly and groundlessly exlaim that "torture is ineffective". Well, we both can play this game : Torture is effective. There you have it.

1 point

Techinically "forcing" the Puerto Rican territory to learn the English language would be a good thing. English is the predominant language used for trade and business, and giving Puerto Ricans the opportunity to learn it in a school system would be beneficial. Plus, its not as though they would have to give up any of their previous culture. According to your statistics, it sounds like they actually need help learning it. Besides, I think English is already being taught in Puerto Rican grade schools, which makes sense, because it really wouldnt be practical for a U.S. territory to not have that opportunity, would it?

2 points

The answer to this question obviously may be dependant on whether or not the individual is selfish. Putting political and economic benefits/detriments aside, the real question is "Do these people need America?" The answer is yes. Average Puerto Rican households only bring in half as much as the "lower class" american. By making Puerto Rico a state, each and every American could assist its economic growth through their tax dollars. Given, this may cause our Federal Government to raise taxes, but should'nt we, as Americans give of our surplus to benefit others? Besides, why should we be so concerned with matters half-way around the world when we neglect those that are virtually within the environs of our own country? The poverty in Puerto Rico could be dissolved if only we would open our callous hearts, and consider the needs of others.

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