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RSS Jouten

Reward Points:1
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

If there was no religion all morals would have no fundament. Even today our human rights are based on christian morals.

1 point

Who could NOT believe in Jesus? Whom did the people follow back in the time? Noone? The existance of the christian community is proof enough that Jesus existed.

Now there is only to debate if his miracles were true or not.

Assume that he never did any miracles, why did the people follow him? If he was nothing but a lier, why did so many people DIE for Jesus? All apostles died for their belief. Shouldn't at least they know if Jesus lied or not? Or was Jesus that of a good actor that he could fool all the people following him this many years? And if so why would he, if accused to death not take the chance to deny all he did, when he was given the chance. He just needed to say "I am not the son of god" and he could have lived happily after. But he did not. Nor did anyone who once followed him ever believe that he would be a liar.

It just makes no sense that if Jesus existed and that 2000 years after his death millions of people follow his teachings if he was a liar beforehand.

Many of you people might know Tolkien. Perhaps fewer might knew Lewis. But what many people do not know is that Tolkien converted Lewis, who was atheist to christianity. I can't find their conversation, but if anyone can please post it.

1 point

Aha the idiotic "Jesus does not exist because Santa Clause doesn't exist" argument.

Ok 1. There WAS a man namely Nikolaus from Myra who did good deeds and endowed poor people. Just because american idiots turned him into an old fat guy with a red coat (which is by the way a trait from St. Martin from Tours) with flying reindeers that can warp around the world in no time to endowe all children on this planet, doesn't mean he didn't exist. It's sad that uneducated fools like you turn the good deeds real persons did to humanity are into rubbish. Shame on you. It is you guys who ask why the world is evil, but you don't realize that you are the one that makes this world evil with your doing

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