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RSS JuleahRP7-8

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Technological progress does more harm than good, since it damages the attention span of the young adults who use it. All social networks that teenagers and young adults use cause an addiction to arise: children become addicted to their phones. Their constant need to check their posts and tweets causes their attention on school work or other important work to diminish. The popular social media sites also take away their privacy causing young adults to be more susceptible hacking. While it may be helpful in school with complete access to information all of the time it still is not health since children have an easier time to look up inappropriate content or check their social media accounts. There is more risk of misusing technology in the classroom if it is allowed.

Technological progress is also bad in the genetic field. The use of designer babies deforms the children before they are even born. Although genetically modifying babies can save them from future health risks such as cancer, heart disease or type two diabetes, it can also eradicate certain genes in the gene pool. It can also cause an epidemic that can kill a certain “race” of people if they all have the same trait. For example, if most of a generation has blonde babies a disease could be created from that certain gene combination, causing an epidemic with the power to kill that generation.

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