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RSS KayWin322

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Its All About Home Training. Change The Home Enviroment Then It Will Show At School And Any Other Place. The Parents Should Teach Their Kids To Be Nice & Kind But That Doesnt Always Happen. Actually , Majority Of The Time It Doesnt !

0 points

I wouldn't personally get an abortion, but the people that know that they just can't have a kid right now should have the choice of getting an abortion. There's also another choice to consider first which would be adoption. Give your kid to someone who wants it and can handle having it.

1 point

But your not even giving that child, that human being, a chance at life. what if he/she survives it all? there's always that IF.

3 points

I'm for abortion. There are so MANY teen pregnancies. Many teens won't even give their kids the time of day putting the kids in neglected situations (teen mom for example). Some parents are on drugs or an alcoholic. The kids are usually left home alone with no food, no water, NOTHING. Abortion gives the parents a chance to not put a kid through that situation. Considering where im from, i see many kids on the street begging for food which just goes to show how many kids are actually in a bad situation and abortion could really help not put them in that type of situation. but then you also have to think of how you're not given a human being a chance to live. If the child could live through his or her bad situation then he would have a story to tell to encourage young teens to stay ABSTINENCE.

2 points

It all depends on your beliefs (religion wise). Technically if you are a christian, there is a commandment stating " Thou Shall Not Kill" . Therefore, wouldn't you be "sinning" if you kill a person even though he has done a very severe crime. & it varies for every religion. But since i'm a Christian, i think it should be abolished.

1 point

Exactly . The Word CHRIST in CHRISTmas clearly shows it is a christian holiday. look in the bible (:

1 point

They should not. If the teenager actually "love's" the adult he or she is seeing , waiting shouldn't be an issue. If teenagers were able to date adults, many rape cases would be alot more difficult to figure out in court.

1 point

The price of education should stay the same. Considering middle, high, & elementary school ; there are already many that are free. Considering colleges ; it should be lowered. Many people that succeed in life (career/college) are from a very poor home. This making it even harder for people these days.

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