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RSS Keb101

Reward Points:40
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

really so i need to say anything, I mean there is no way that we EARTH are the only things ever. All of that space, no I just can't think of us being the only ones to exist. If they didn't why would there be a area 51 and just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist.

1 point

if a women wants to but if your married happily you and your partner should share the work around the house, that ceates a healthy house and home life. House no one is really one any more unless your family still live in the old ways, some do .

1 point

Really you can not chose weather or not if you wife or any woman has to stay at home and clean. This is the future things are changing and for better, women don't have to stay at home it is a chose that all can chose, a man can stay home to work if he wants and if a woman doesn't want to she doesn't have to, simple as that we are not living in the 50's 60's or even futhure back anymore. EVERYONE HAS A CHOSE, and housewife is not really an ocuupation as you don't get paid to do it.

1 point

sometimes people have problems they can no control and do this that hurt people when they don't know it, not everyone can be in a hospital or be looked after

0 points

well it depends on what the rule is and what the person is doing at the time

1 point

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS to me but to in real life i already said one can not be better with out the other inventions that changed the world men and women helped to inspire the earth into new things without women or men things would be bad and the spiraling into a black hole bad.

1 point

why should i even have to write an answer i mean all you have to do i is think about it it is way more logical and teaches you more of how things started and where they could go

1 point

no just no really you had nothing better to do than lie? just no i mean come on seriously no

1 point

I don't like him who ever he is but he is totally neither sorry guy or Google images but u are ugly i bet you have nice manners though not to judge but i dont know you so it was easy but hard to chose my answer

1 point

I've never been I have been to wet'n' wild though it was pretty fun but dream world looks amazing!!! with all the cool rides and it is better for the whole family! :)

Displaying 4 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Dream world (Australia)
Winning Position: mosquitos in spring
Winning Position: A-Team(new movie)

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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