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RSS KeeganW

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with you completely when you ralk about his principle of equality.

1 point

I like how you wrote what he stood for and included his background

1 point

I agree with your explanation on why he wanted to lower voting qualifications.

1 point

Both, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, have contributed much to the United States, and both have strong admirable qualities and backgrounds. But when it comes down to this specific question, I believe Jefferson has left a more enduring vision. He had many important viewpoints that shaped the people and the nation while Hamilton cared more about the financial state of the nation and its economy. Jefferson had many important thoughts on equality and individual rights, significant writings in the Declaration of Independence, and a strong viewpoint on voting.

Jefferson’s actions within equality among men and individual rights is why we have ours today. He fought for equality, that everyone is the same, not categorized by knowledge or wealth, so the nation would be unified. No matter what their gender was, any disabilities or what they believe in, so everyone was equal. He also fought for the Bill of Rights, the amendments that specified the individual rights and powers of the people, something no one can take away. Our individual rights may not be as secure and protected today if it wasn’t for this Bill. Which is also why he pushed for a strict interpretation of the Constitution. So that the protection of these rights were enforced.

In the Declaration, Jefferson had written “All men are created equal,” as well as “All men should have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Although he may not have meant to do it, these statements have supported Jefferson’s idea on unalienable rights and lead to many acts to give people, like slaves, poor, and less educated people etc, more rights. But these statements are just a piece of the document and they have inspired and shaped the people who shape the nation. The document itself is the heart of the nation. Its strength defines the powers the people and government hold. Jefferson wrote it to showcase his beliefs in what a country should be and what its people should be as well.

Lastly, Jefferson wanted to lower the qualifications needed to vote. Instead of the votes of only the wealthy, which could be predictable and uncertain, he wanted to allow all the minds to vote. This could make the decision more precise because there are more votes, and there are different reasons behind the decision. Wealthy just worry about their money, and who would be the best with the economy. The lower classes wouldn’t need to worry about that as much as different issues.

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