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RSS Killerdog350

Reward Points:24
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10 most recent arguments.

the usa has better stuff-_-

the usa is so much beatter-

the us is batter----------_

usa usa_


I think and know the us would win because they beat them before in other war

no because in sports you have to be strong and fast you can breake a leg plaing spots so yes also they have hundreds of people to come see them play 1 game

yes he is doing evey thing right he is so poupaler if you go out side and talk the 1 word you allways hear is trump trump trump also i can not speend a day with out hearing his name

no if they do it can start world war 3 or more terrorest and more deathes and it can get other country's want to help get in the war

yes only if things get really bad to a point where the usa is in great danger but it can make things whose and even start world war 3 so its really maybe or no or yes even i dont even know.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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