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RSS KingBlack

Reward Points:222
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ya evolution also thought it was necessary for "supposedly" humans emerging from apes to shed the fur with no real good justifiable reason.

KingBlack(222) Clarified
1 point

Its all BS anyways people want good change yet they dont look at people like Ron Paul then make up BS excuses why they wont support people like him, yet have no real explanation as to why they will support one like Mccain, Obama, Romney besides the fact that they support something that they keep changing their views on or say something that they want to hear, knowing dang well they were never going to do what they said they would do to begin with. Its like knowing you cant swim but yet keep insisting to yourself that its ok to go deep into the waters with someone just because you like them, and they said it would be okay.

1 point

Given that police already use unnecessary force and that history shows any government can get corrupt id say it is possible, the simple thought that because we have US implanted in front of our names alone excludes us from the possible chance of ever having a day where civs will have to protect themselves against anyone is in itself a fantasy land.

KingBlack(222) Clarified
1 point

i wouldnt pay shat for her but then again who knows....................

1 point

That is straight BS.. that every study on the poor concludes they are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know you made that none sense up get the F out of here with that BS to try and justify your case.

1 point

Ya its pretty simple, plenty of different old scripts/text from civilizations long ago giving writings, explanations, and drawings on how man has came into existence today along with other creatures. And we might as well add religion in there to since Mr. Cuaroc makes it seem as this is the thing that can be used to go against evolution.

1 point

So you telling everybody that every female now has to have sex to get pregnant.

1 point

There you go I just gave you my name 6 times in 6 different ways.

1 point


Kick a Cat


Boot a Cat


Slang a Cat


Stomp a Cat


Bonsai Kitten a Cat

1 point

My Name is "Shake-ZoolaTheMicRulahTheOldSchoolahYouWannaTripI'llBringIt ToYa."


Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Umm No
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Oooo SHAT its KingBlack RUN!!
Winning Position: This is almost non debatable but Ron Paul destroyed everyone at the Arizona debate.
Winning Position: To Beleive or not Beleive is irrelevant the question is if real "What is God"
Winning Position: Am I the Meanest..... Am I the Baddest......

About Me

"The Debates will tell"

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other
Education: Some College

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