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Reward Points:59
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10 most recent arguments.
7 points

The bible is true. Jesus did resurrect and still lives. :)

1 point

Yo pienso que Puerto Rico deberia de convertirse en estado. Desde el 1917, los puertorriquenos tienen cuidanania estadounidense. Han peleado y luchado en todas las guerras de Estados Unidos desde ese entonces. Hay mas puertorriquenos viviendo en Estados Unidos que en Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico podria reclamar sus derechos que le corresponde. Podria tener una voz y voto en el congreso. Podria votar por el presidente. Y disfrutaria de mas ayuda economica por ser estado. El ELA no esta funcionando. Y la gran mayoria de los puertorriquenos rechazan la independencia. La opcion logica seria la estadidad.

2 points

Mira Alaska, el estado mas grande pero con una poblacion menos de un millon. Puerto Rico si seria el estado mas pequeno en territorio, pero tiene alrededor de 4 millones de habitantes. Esa poblacion es mas de 21 estados. Ademas Puerto Rico usa la misma moneda de Estados Unidos, el dollar y son muy capitalista. Cada vez que visito a esa isla, los centros comerciales estan super llenos.

2 points

Los puertorriquenos pagan todos tipos de impuestos con la exepcion del "income tax"

1 point

Well lets look at the advantages and disadvantages on both sides. For China they have the largest population on earth, and thus they have more men power available. However China doesn't have nearly the capacity to mobilize its army like the US. The US by far has more advanced technology than China. Not to mention the US has unquestionably air and sea superiority. The US spends 5 times more than China on its military. $690 billion vs $129 billion. The US has 11 nuclear armed aircraft carriers. China just has one air craft carrier. Both economies depend on each other, so i doubt that they will foolishly get into war with each other. However if they were to go to war, the USA will beat China.

1 point

No, if anything he is heading in the opposite direction. Reagan was known for leading the conservative movement in the 1980's. Obama will be remember as the leader of the liberal movement. Both will always be remember as great leaders from their respective parties.

1 point

You can tell you really don't know what Christianity is all about.

KingK(59) Clarified
1 point

True. But what can you expect to happen? There is no other real alternative that can break threw the Democratic and Republican party monopoly.

1 point

I say democrats are in better position to win the WH. Because the republicans are losing all the minority groups.They are relying heavily on the white, rich, and evangelical vote. And quite frankly they are losing by landslide the black, latino, LBGT groups. Not to mention women and the younger population. In order for the GOP to win again they need a candidate who not only can appeal to their base but to make more strides in getting other groups as well to engage in their party. Otherwise the democrats will control the executive branch for a long time. Not to mention if Hillary Clinton decides to run in 2016, i think its a done deal for the democrats. The only candidate that i think can challange her is Gov. Chris Christie. And even still she looks to have a strong advantage.

1 point

Yes it is, so what should we do about it? Soon enough we might run out of resources to mantain the whole world. Thats a scary thought.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Republicans
Winning Position: Old World

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Protestant
Education: In College

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