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RSS KittyCatK23

Reward Points:21
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If she is to the point where she does not know anything that is going on, or to where she is almost passed out, then yes it could be considered rape, but a lot of people have drunken sex. If guys were accused of rape for having sex with a drunk girl, then a lot of guys would be locked up.

1 point

No. Chess is a boardgame first and foremost.

Is monopoly a sport? No, therefore considering a boardgame a sport is silly.

1 point

No. Th act of the gymnastics that some cheerleaders incorporate into their routines is a sport but cheerleading itself is not. If you want to participate in something thats considered a sport, then join a gymnastics team.

1 point

Wrestling is in fact real. The moves these guys do and the strain they put on their bodies is real. It is the storylines and the way the moves and matches are set up that are fake. When a wrestler actually slaps another to where you can see the handprint, is that fake? No.

1 point

Well where did the egg come from? It was just laying in the garden and Adam said "this is an egg?"

1 point

It is out constitutional right to bare arms... therefore do not give us a right then ban something associated with that right. Sure not everybody needs to have an assault rifle as a weapon of security but insead of banning guns altogether, make more strict ways of being able to buy them or own them.

1 point

Suicide IS a selfish act. Yes, the person having problems is suffering in their own ways, but they can always find someone to talk to. For every person that doesnt want to listen to their problems, there is certainly somebody that will. Plus, sometimes people keep problems to themselves in which nobody ever knows the extent of how bad it is. And every person has at least one person that cares the world about them and to take your life away, leaves that person devestated.

1 point

At best, it should be a misdemeanor that way the people that are bullying and causing problems for people who cant handle it, can get taught some kind of lesson.

1 point

No amount of whatever society does or tries will ever cease bullying. Kids will always harass other kids. Its human nature.

1 point

Of course! If someone is attacking you, you have every right to attack that person back which would ultimately be considered assault. A crime is only excusable when it is legitimately for self defense reasons. Not saying you have to murder everyone that attacks you, but if someone is threatening you with a weapon, it is your right to do the same back as a form of self defense.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: What do you consider cheating?

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Biographical Information
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Education: High School

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