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RSS KokYin

Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

After reading the case study on Oscar, I feel that regulations would be essential when prosthetic technology gets better. In cases where competition is involved, such as the Olympics, it is of upmost importance to ensure equality and fairness. Therefore, I personally feel that people with prosthetics should not be able to compete with those without. Prosthetics will soon be able to reach the level where it provides additional features and functions than what it was set out to do. An iron man future is definitely possible so in that case, regulating those with prosthetics in national or global competitions would be necessary.

1 point

The population woes is indeed one of the factors however, it would not be able to be one of the main factors as it still lies under the lack of resources such as land and food and Great Depression is a trigger to the lack of resources of Japan.

1 point

I believe, that if stalin is as good as he claimed he was, he would have found a win win situation for the situations. I think he was to urgent, pushing farmers to workers without proper training, producing poor quality products.

1 point

I beg to differ, the transport system of Russia was modernized but still highly ineffective.

1 point

They had food, but the bare minimum moreover, even with food, with conditions like those, many would fall ill easily and hence, die.

1 point

However, there wasn't enough consumer goods produced for the citizens. They had to live in poor sanitary conditions and didn't even have the time to enjoy family time with their loved ones, if they wanted food since they have to meet their unreasonable targets.

0 points

Russia was pulled out of poverty, but at what cost?

The suffering of the citizens. That is definitely not role and responsibility of a leader.

3 points

However, the citizens had very poor sanitary conditions. Shouldn't the leader ensure that his citizens will live in clean environments?

1 point

However, shouldn't Stalin, as the leader, think of methods to ensure that no other famines should occur instead of incurring more famines?

7 points

Even though he did improve the production rate of goods and helped in the economy of the country, he cost many citizens to suffer, which is a failure of a leader.

Moreover, he governed the country using fear. He was not a leader with the support of his citizens. Moreover, with the exponential rate of decrease in the number of citizens due to his reforms. The reforms couldn't have lasted long.

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Winning Position: Prosthetics: Functional or Enhancement?

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