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RSS Koodle0101

Reward Points:32
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

It depends on the person. For those who don't know anything about computers and need it to be user friendly. Then Macs are better. For those who are creative and computer smart PC is the way to go.

Mac is a limited computer that has basic video, music, and document software without any room expansion. It is great for people who want simple usage throughout the day.

PC is better for building, changing, fixing, upgrading, experimenting. Better for Gamers and people who like to make the computer fit to their needs without paying an arm and a leg. For me I like PC. Half the things Macs do I will never use and the other half I know how to do on PC. Crashes? Never had a problem with it. I can upgrade and change parts as desired. I can experiment with software and games as desired.

So PC for me is better for enthusiasts. Mac for the average person.

1 point

I understand haha and thanks for going along. Just gotta have some dumb ones once in a while.

1 point

It's pretty nasty in the sense that there is usually no emotions or feelings involved aside for the urge to dominate/submit to someone else. It's cool because it brings out the inner desires and capabilities of our human nature but it's stupid because it ignores the rest. If anything softcore porn where there is more of a connection, where the video shows two lovers, couple, or people in love expressing that with each other is better than mindless hardcore sex. The purpose should be to enjoy love, affection, and connection with the ones we love, not to simply get pleasure like what most porn does.

1 point

If I owned them I would definitely sell them. I have no interest in having $19,000 they I will never use. I would rather put $19,000 into a community or group to fund a project or something where overall more people become efficient and productive as a whole and we have newer innovations that benefit everyone.

1 point

I know what you mean. It has a lot to do with economics and such. "GIVE a man a fish and you feed him for a day, TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for life" That's probably what you mean by they haven't 'earned' it. So we can use that $19,000 to educate them instead of giving them food. Same difference.

1 point

Of course that's ridiculous... Someone making or buying that = Feeding about 52 Familes (Family of 4), 3 Full Meals a Day For An Entire MONTH (using Vietnam)! Because we decide to over consume and live beyond our means 52 Families or 208 people had to starve for a month. Pure selfish and unnecessary.

1 point

I don't think anything is wrong with it. It's been around for a while and many people succeed while many people fail, just like any other business or profession. It's the people that don't work it right and just expects it to be a perfect system. Have training and mentors to guide and help you along the way and it'll be much better. It's also win-win which is not like corporate America. Just know there are a lot of liars who are only into making quick bucks. But that doesn't make network marketing bad, it just means they are. So find a good company with integrity and stands for something.

1 point

It works. My friend is 21 and 25 and they're job optional. It's sweet!

1 point

I like dogs for the fun loving personality. Cats are cool but I like things to be close to me so dogs.

1 point

To save electricity and plastics should children use paper in school?

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Date the Hot Guy/Girl...
Winning Position: People Should Watch TV

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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