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RSS LazerDuck

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Murdering your child is not a human right. The zygote has a right to live, whether it is an accident, born of rape, poor, crippled or retarded. Abortion is an extremely selfish action that's primarily justified with the argument that a zygote is not a person, the same argument that people have, made throughout history when trampling people's rights for their own selfish gain. Abortion should only be allowed if the mother's life is threatened by childbirth.

2 points

They should be more strict on each other and not allow officers to get away with crimes. They should also stop parking across 2 spots at the 7-11.

1 point

People have a right to self defense. Guns make people equal, and the right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed. However, that doesn't mean any weapon should be available to everyone. I'm ok with laws that limit magazine size or rate of fire, because you still have the capacity to defend yourself, but not to murder 50 people in a few minutes. As for open/concealed carry, it should be up to the states to decide. I would argue that concealed carry shouldn't be allowed and everyone should have to carry their weapons openly. I feel like concealed carry is inherently deceitful.

1 point

1) We believe self defense is a right, but while people are equal in rights and dignity, we are not equal in every way. My favorite quote about gun rights is, "God made man, but Sam Colt made him equal." Even a child can kill someone with a gun, and that puts us on equal footing.

2) In some places, yes the US can be dangerous. You could be in an area with a lot of crime or where you are far from help and may find yourself alone with someone who wants to hurt you.

2 points

Its not only inhumane, its also illegal. people in American territories are entitled to constitutional rights, just like in DC or Puerto Rico. Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay have had their rights suspended without due process of law.

1 point

People are so connected nowadays that its really easy for people from all over the world to talk to each other. Different languages evolved because of separation. If the world is reconnecting, one language will become dominant and will probably be influenced by local languages. I think we will have one language, with many other languages being pushed to the side, which is already happening.

1 point

There is no reason for California to leave the United States. Our country is structured to give the states more power than provinces have in other countries. The State of California can and will protect its residents from any potential violation of their rights, and secession isn't necessary to do that. Plus, Supreme Court ruled that states cannot secede over a hundred years ago.

1 point

ISIS isn't a significant threat to the United States. They can send people to occasionally murder citizens, but cant cripple our country in any significant way. Its not our responsibility to police the world, and if anything is to be done about it, it should be done by the UN. While I would support committing troops to a UN coalition, there is no reason for the US to carry a heavier burden than anyone else.

1 point

I accidentally submitted this twice. Is it possible to delete this?

1 point

Whatever Indians are replacing their culture with will become the new Indian culture.Indian culture will always exist as long as their are Indian people.

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