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RSS LeahRose

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Abortion is wrong all the way around. You go to jail if you murder someone that is already born so why is it okay to kill an unborn living child, because life begins at conception.

1 point

So just because you said something about it let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen Bigfoot?

1 point

So is Evolution really a science? Could you please tell just exactly how this world came into existence?

1 point

For your information if you read the book of Genesis you will see that God created EVERYTHING not just the things in this universe. And He wasn't bound by a time frame of any kind... He created time... and by the way what do you believe in... that everything came from a huge explosion of nothing and came out with order and design... and if you study the law of centrifugal force you will see just one of the many flaws with evolution as some of the planets are spinning in the opposite direction

1 point

It is so a fake... If it were real wouldn't more people have seen it?

1 point

Excuse me but I believe what you are referring to is justice and letting the person sit in jail while our tax dollars are paying for him to sit there and not be rightly punished is so totally wrong

1 point

Okay on the topic of gun control... five or ten or fifteen more laws are not going to stop some one from shooting some one else. And plus if you take away the Second Ammendment to the Constitution or restrict it the only ones with guns are going to be the people who happen to have already bought theirs on the black market and have no conscience in shooting people.... and the people that have no conscience about killing some one in cold blood should also be killed

1 point

Well the death penalty is completely moral in all aspects. If you kill some one your life should also be taken from you

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