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RSS Ligaspaka

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

China is advancing in missile technology coping up with USA. However missile technology is going obsolete in years to come. USA is fast progressing on laser technology. in five years time it would be available for military use.. Littoral combat ships that are stealth. Three are operational and a dozen to be constructed. Gerald Ford class AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. There would be 10 by 2050 costing 12billion each... One more thing in conventional war. 9 out of 10 Americans owns one or more guns. Basically the American population is a well trained, well fed,well disciplined STANDING ARMY.

1 point

China is advancing in missile technology coping up with USA. However missile technology is going obsolete in years to come. USA is fast progressing on laser technology. in five years time it would be available for military use.. Littoral combat ships that are stealth. Three are operational and a dozen to be constructed. Gerald Ford class AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. There would be 10 by 2050 costing 12billion each... One more thing in conventional war. 9 out of 10 Americans owns one or more guns. Basically the American population is a well trained, well fed,well disciplined STANDING ARMY.

1 point

China is advancing in missile technology coping up with USA. However missile technology is going obsolete in years to come. USA is fast progressing on laser technology. in five years time it would be available for military use.. Littoral combat ships that are stealth. Three are operational and a dozen to be constructed. Gerald Ford class AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. There would be 10 by 2050 costing 12billion each... One more thing in conventional war. 9 out of 10 Americans owns one or more guns. Basically the American population is a well trained, well fed,well disciplined STANDING ARMY.

1 point

yes!!!. China is decades behind United states. Even the Japanese or the south Koreans can defeat them one on one.. China will even have to compromise half of its arsenal if they would have full scale war with Taiwan... This countries are allied with the west and USA. With the expertise and technology transfer China will be having a hard time. However china can produce weapon replicas at low cost in the expense of quality. They does not need to spend much money for RD for they are good at stealing information. NATO alone is a big hindrance if china goes to war. if they attack any of its members China will be swarmed by missiles and everything.

1 point

That was based on witness accounts. i had read a book about Einstein life. The scene was in a classroom. His professor discussed issues between God and science and the professor seems to discredit the existence of God and its co relation to evil. He raised his hand and spoke and explained his point of view. That how the story goes. Either true or not its still amazing to imagine. Einstein is really one tough brilliant mind.

1 point

exactly man........ man is for a woman Its created for that purpose. You would not use a pair of spoon on both hands to eat spaghetti or a pair of fork to have a bowl of soup.

1 point

Einstein statement is just some kind of a figure of speech. An opinion and not fact but somehow had a point. The issue was Did God create evil? As the post explains a comparison among the subjects. In reality somehow a problem is result of another problem. The absence of heat is the stimuli why its cold vice versa with light opposite to darkness.

6 points

Homosexuality isa mental disorder. Its a disease. Would you risk innocent children to be exposed to potential abuse and very big possibility to be infected as well...

4 points

Very true.Homosexuality isa mental disorder. Its a disease. Would you risk innocent children to be exposed to potential abuse and very big possibility to be infected as well...

0 points

There is...Homosexuality is a mental disorder. Its a disease. Would you risk innocent children to be exposed to potential abuse and very big possibility to be infected as well...

Winning Position: Is homosexuality A mental disorder?

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