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RSS Lombard

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

This is wrong and completely biased. There is physical evidence that the earth's climates are changing. We are seeing more and more erratic weather and large differences in temperature. To say it is "only based on computer models" is not a valid argument.

1 point

Yes it is true that it was warmer before people appeared, but if humans want to continue to exist we need to slow the process. It may be beneficial for the earth but not for the life on it.

3 points

Saying to "Change the question" was vague on my part. What I was trying to imply is "what are major things we could do to cut down on some of the larger producers of greenhouse gasses.". A problem in this topic and in many is money we do have ways to slow it down but those ether cost a lot to make or companies don't want to allow them to be made because it would effect their profit. It most likely will never be enough to completely stop climate change but any time we can create to slow down the effects will give humans a better chance of survival.

3 points

So obviously climate change does happen naturally but we as the human race ( though not all humans have contributed.) have given it a nice big push to help it move faster. The question shouldn't be, is it man made or not but, what are we doing to slow it down and is it enough.

2 points

Just because individuals don't believe that climate change is a valid argument doesn't mean that it isn't a problem. It is true that Humans may not greatly contribute directly, but we do play a part indirectly. As humans we have created large areas that create lots of green house gasses. An example is Centralia, Pennsylvania where a plan to burn a little garbage ended up lighting the coal under the town on fire causing what was once Centralia to become a almost ghost town. This coal is also a special type known as Anthracite coal which is 92-95% carbon. This is just one of many things that release green house gasses not to mention the animals we have for food and there effect on the environment.

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