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RSS LordBlace

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

By that logic the Kardashians are fantastic, well rounded, intelligent people. Just because something is widely popular doesn't make it not idiotic.

But Ke$ha is terrible, I agree.

1 point

Let me start this by stating that I am, in fact, a self-identified libertarian. Ron Paul would not only have not beaten President Obama, but would have been an ineffective president at best.

It is my opinion that many other libertarians saw Ron Paul as effective solely on is desire to abolish the war on drugs, but it's vastly more important we look at his foreign policy. He goes beyond non-interventionist and struts deep into isolationist territory. WHICH IS NOT FEASIBLE WITH TODAY'S TECHNOLOGY. Our ocean boundaries are not enough to keep us safe on their own any more. Do we need to pull back and reign in our foreign "defense" policies and spending? Hell yes. Do we need to go back to an era of pretending foreign interests can't be a threat to us domestically? No, and I think it's dangerous to do so. And then when it came to securing our borders with a border fence (I disagree with a fence/wall too, but for different reasons) the Congressman said in an interview that if the government made a fence to keep people out they could use it to keep people in, further showing his disconnect to our current state of technology in the world.

When I talked to friends about Ron Paul, we tend to agree that he's about 30% awesome ideas, 40% good-to-great ideas, 20% wat. and 10% batshit insane.

Not to mention that Governor Johnson was a better candidate, even on abortion (Paul is avowedly pro-life [so much for libertarianism]).

1 point

I have seen only two arguments (and one of them is restated here) for gay marriage to not be a thing: we have to protect the sanctity of marriage or marriage should only be for people who can reproduce. The word 'sanctity' has ties directly to religion and that pesky first amendment sort of prevents laws regarding religion. Oh phooey. And in case you think that isn't strong enough a reason, lets look at the divorce rate of straight couples in the U.S. Oh my, perhaps we should ban heterosexual marriage to protect its sanctity! As for the reproduction argument, what about those unlucky men and women who happen to be straight but infertile? Should fertility tests be given before you can get married?

I think the best solution would be for the government to divorce (horrible pun intended) the word marriage from its dictionary. Every couple, whether they be straight, gay, or whatever should get the same title from the government with the same rights. Leave 'marriage' certificates, ceremonies, and rituals to the churches, organizations, and individuals who wish to partake in them. If you don't like that Joe-Jim's Church down the street does gay marriage ceremonies, oh well, don't go there.

1 point

If things continue getting better it will be in despite of his policies and not because of them, what with so many businesses declaring they they'll either cut the amount of workers hired or reduce their hours below the amount required to require healthcare coverage as just one example. Further, handled it marvelously? I presume you meant that besides a VERY few amount of policies (removal of DADT which I applaud him for) he's acted like Dubya Jr. For instance, renewal and expansion of the PATRIOT act, signed assassinations of United States citizens with no due process, more drone strikes in four years than G. W. Bush had in all eight of his presidency, and continued support of the bailouts.

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