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Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

I think Che Guevara was essentially a very good person he just had one problem, a heightened degree of compassion this meant the only way he could fight his enemies was to completely dehumanise them. Overall he was a good man though despite the murders he committed they were merely against Batistas men and Batista was like Hitler with a thinner moustache

Oh and in relation to your question, I wear a Che Guevara T-shirt because I am a Marxist

1 point

Casper, thank you! no one has any true understanding of a communist regime I have spent hours scouring for someone with some insight, the americans dislike communism purely because the 'american dream' is basically code for the petty bourgois exploiting there former comrades in class.

In lamence terms, thanks you are correct

3 points

Vladmir Lenin was essentially a man of good character and good for Russia, if he had not died when he had the Russians would've won the cold war it was only due to later leaders such as Stalin that the Russian regime became oppressive and antagonistic towards the proletariat

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