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RSS MadisenV

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point


With the spread of misinformation we have people who blindly follow or agree with what they see on social media without seeing if that information is correct or not or how this can affect others negatively and cause harm. An example of this can the violence in Myanmar where human rights groups were working found that the misleading images that were spread on social media made things more difficult, fueled mistrust, and undermined their work making it more difficult for them to help people.

1 point


While i agree that people should do their own research and fact check their information, i disagree that social media makes it easier to fact check your sources because with all the misinformation that spreads across social media people began to only see their own point of view and fail to think about how this can affect others and their point of view. It begins to make people think that whatever news they see that goes with their beliefs and views is automaticly correct and everything else is wrong. The false information that is spread gives people tunnel vision of only their views and beliefs and pulls them away from what truly matters

2 points


Social is bad for our democracy because it isolates people from others and their point of views, giving them a skewed sense of reality and making them less tolerant of others, which also adds to why they believe misinformation so easily and why its spreads so quickly. An example of this is in the article Social Media reinforces negative biases, it says, " For all the hope that comes from connecting with new people and new ideas, researchers have found that online behavior is dominated by “homophily”: a tendency to listen to and associate with people like yourself, and to exclude outsiders. Social networks are bad at helping you empathize with people unlike you, but good at surrounding you with those who share your outlook. The new information ecosystem does not challenge biases; it reinforces them."

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