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RSS Makenna_L

Reward Points:5
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe abortion should be allowed for the health of the mother because a fetus in not considered alive even by medical terms. While I can see and understand the concerns of the other side, I strongly agree with the pro-choice side of the argument. If the fetus was indeed a live human being, I would be disagreeing right now. However, the fetus is not, in fact, a live human being that emits brain waves. By all medical terms, it is not alive.

1 point

Atheists are not anti-God. You cannot hate something if you don't believe it exists. They don't believe in Hell, so they don't want to go to Hell. They can't avidly push away from God if they don't believe He exists. As an atheist, I don't hate God, or want to go to Hell; I just don't believe it's real.

1 point

Having a child shouldn't be considered a sign of weakness, and in many species, the female and the male take care of the child. For example, penguins in Antarctica. The female penguins leave the egg with the male penguins, who take care of it, even after it hatches. Biology is not what is inherently misogynistic in this situation; society is. Even as people say that atheism holds sexist bearings through biology, Christianity shows situational sexism throughout many chapters of the bible. For example, when man is first created, woman is created as the man's help out of his ribcage. While just a small example of inherent sexism throughout the story of this religion, it has indeed helped build up the built in sexism of our society. Biology was never sexist. Biology cannot be sexist, for biology is about the survival of a species and its members. Biology is about natural selection, and if it truly was sexist, women would have died out a long time.

5 points

While Russia was indeed losing money in a war, it could have made more money consistently through the many resources in the land of Alaska. America found gold soon after they bought the territory, plus oil is a huge resource for the state. With fresh salmon, berries, and even gold that locals can find through a little hard work, it creates many resources that are unique to Alaska alone. While they needed money at the time, they would have gained more money by keeping the territory and searching for resources.

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