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Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

But surely the public would not agree? After all the government is to serve the people's interest. Not the other way round

1 point

However, even if Britain were to go to war immediately, they would not have the financial capabilities to do so. Even if they somehow manage to go to war with their sheer lack of resources, the low morale will be detrimental to their campaign. To make their presence more evident, the Munich Agreement would be the best diplomatic solution forward, agree?

1 point

Yes, indeed Hitler did have plans to go expand. However, even if Britain were to go to war immediately, they would not have the financial capabilities to do so. Even if they somehow manage to go to war with their sheer lack of resources, the low morale will be detrimental to their campaign

1 point

In my opinion, appeasement was the right policy. I would seek to expound on this concept further below.

Appeasement was the right policy considering the people's attitude to war. At that point of time, people were extremely disheartened post WWI and going into a new war will have a significant impact on civilians. Appeasement was justified as going to war was the last resort for countries. By taking on a policy of appeasement, it would justify to the people that all options have been exhausted before going to war. Thus appeasement was the right policy for Britain as it did not deteriorate Britain's morale as quick when compared to the point where Britain went to war straight away.

Another justification was because Britain did not have the Financial Resources to launch another war. Appeasement policy bought time for the British Government to rebuild its financial capabilities. Even though not substantial, the small increments helped the British war effort in a significant way as the government had more resources at their disposal

The third justification for the appeasement was the singular common ground Britain and Germany had which was the fight against communism. Germany pursued the narrative that they were fighting against communism when they aid the Spanish Nationalist Forces.

Germany was seen as to push forward and in line with British national interest. Germany for this case was seen as an ally. Therefore appeasement bought time for Britain in the sense that Communist forces were weaken to a certain extent and would prevent substantial damage if Britain was to engage in a 2 front war ( ie. Germany and Soviet union)

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