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RSS Marcussoh

Reward Points:6
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

1) Why is yours isolated away from the class?

2) I think you mean areas not areaa

3) Sometimes, the truth may be too sensitive to be released and so there is a need to hide it for the interest of society.

4) Besides that, a valid argument with a clear example and evaluation.

1 point

Quite a weak argument as there is little examples and elaboration.

1 point

The sentence structure can be improved on. Watch your grammatical errors. The building of the dam actually resulted in environmental issues too such as extinction of flora and fauna so maybe you might want to consider this effects. Good argument otherwise. There is a good example and a link back into the issue at hand.

1 point

Hi Qian Hui :D

im not too sure it is possilbe for us to deter natural disasters. Having constant monitoring of the environment and facilitatiling evacuations is more feasible. Good example and evaluation though. There is a clear link to the question. Check the grammer of the paragraph.

-brought about an onslaught of and meteorology’s forecasting devices

- and facilitate to efficient evacuations.

1 point

Umm, June, trumpeter isnt from our class. haha. sorry about that =P

1 point

The study of history is helpful in helping us learn from the mistakes of the past and thus avoiding or finding a solution for similar situations now. For example, from the Great Depression 1930s, we learned that government intervention is vital in helping the global economy to recover. Back then, the governments did not step in to help, which was their mistake, and thus the recovery of the economy took very long. In the recent recession, governments learned from this lesson from history and thus stepped in to help businesses and banks. As a result, the economy is recovering much quicker as compared to the past and the situation is better. As such, the study of history and past situation, in this case the mistake of the governments, is beneficial for our future as similar situations might occur again and the studying can aid us in resolving them.

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