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RSS MastrDebator

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

This is assuming that God exists...

Which is NOT the question. Please answer without some random copy and paste bible verse and use critical thinking to persuade us.

1 point

That is not an atheist...

An atheist has been exposed to a 'higher being' or 'god' and has DENIED that such being exists

Supporting Evidence: Definition of Atheist (
1 point

If this candidate held the same values POLITICALLY as me NOT RELIGIOUSLY, then i would. Makes common sense. Why would you vote for someone who you think might let their religious beliefs cloud their thinking?

2 points

Seriously dude? This site is not a joking site. This site is for the people that are trying to actually think critically and ethically.

1 point

First of all, the best source of your morals is to decide by yourself. Use some critical thinking to really dig deep and ask, "Is this what I believe in?"

The bible is a horrible source for morals. It has descrimination, corrutption, slavery, and what would be considered murder by today's accepted values.

The bible says multiple times that people should be stoned to death, crucified, etc. for some pretty minor crimes.

MastrDebator(7) Clarified
1 point

I am not saying what I believe....

I am saying what atheists believe.......

1 point

No, I do not believe that Sterling should be forced to sell his team.

Allow me to show you a hypothetical situation. If someone were to buy a robot (I know this sounds crazy, but bear with me) and enters it into the robot league of fighting! After this robot has been established and is now famous and really good, the owner says that people that were born with mental disabilities are the scum of the earth. The robot league then says, "Now you must sell your robot to someone else, the robot may still compete, but not with you as the owner because we do not believe the same as you do."

THIS IS WRONG! You can NOT force someone to believe what you do or PUNISH them for not believing what you do... I am looking at you NBA!

2 points

I think you misunderstand...

Atheists reject the existence of a higher being.

Deists on the other hand believe that there is a higher being but they see flaws/don't believe in the gods/religions that are in place in the current society.

Although a lot of people say, "I do not know if there is a god or not" or, "I think there is a god but I just can not decide which religion is correct," label themselves as atheists. In reality the first is agnostic by definition and the second is deist by definition.

3 points

I am not completely sure what is meant by "Global Language".

Does it mean, "Do the majority of the people in the world speak english as a native language?"

Or does it mean, "How dominant is English compared to other languages in various parts in the world?"

The first would be fairly simple to answer. It is just statistics. Chinese is the first ranked language in terms of native speakers, Spanish is the second, ENGLISH is the third. But this does not show how the language itself is dominant in the world. Chinese is the first because there are simply just more chinese children born.

In terms of the second question, it is much harder to analyze and understand. By dominant it means how much of a presence does the language have in places around the world. By that definition, English is the 'Global Language'. Simply because if one were to travel to every country, town, city, village, etc., they would see that the majority have signs, ads, people speaking, etc. in the native language as well as English. English is just a powerful language in the world today.

1 point

Absolutely not.

Rules were made by the authority, and the majority of the time they are made to help the general populus affected by these rules for all the possible situations the authority can foresee.

For example, if a country, let's say Mars, is just becoming established and the government is working the constitutions/rules etc. and one of the basic rules is that, "One shall not harm another," meaning that no one can harm anyone else. Well, then a week later in the country of Mars there was an incident. A man has been murdered and it was done in front of many trusted witnesses. This man pleads INNOCENT. Although he admits that he did not follow the rule of not harming another person, he did it out of (BUM BUM BUMMMMM) PROTECTION. He purposely broke the rule and protected himself by killing the man that was about to kill him. Everyone/everything makes mistakes. EVEN the government. It doesn't matter what happened to the man, but it does matter that he did the RIGHT thing. This does not mean you can go around thinking, "THE RULES ARE ALL WRONG AND I AM CORRECT!" and just do whatever you want.

Tied Positions: No, Sterling shouldn't vs. Yes, the NBA has the right to.

About Me

"Hey, I am just a nerdy 15 year old guy that loves debating. I love debating, video games, and hangin"

Biographical Information
Name: Tristan Rethman
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 66046

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