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Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The grammar of that sentence is horrid.

Also, we have no definit proof of which religion is the most correct, or if we even need religion at all. Don't say which one is more right, just wait until death to find out. I think any god would understand.

1 point

I think smoking should be banned completely. First, we start off with public smoking to be illegal, then, once tobacco companies harass the governments enough to piss them off a lot, we shut them down for good.

2 points

We lived through W2K, the second coming of Jesus (he was supposed to rise 2000 years after his death and judge the living and some crazy stuff), June 6th, 2006 (666), and the fact that we haven't nuked ourselves into oblivion yet is a good sign. I say bring it on, 2012. The human race is too hard to kill off, nowadays. We'll find a way to live, to survive, and to regrow and rebuild. The only way we're dying is if we use up Earth to the point where everything just runs out, or until a rock the size of us rips through us.

1 point

I'll have to say no.

One thing is, if we got prizes, then eventually it would all turn into a competition to just say what people want to hear so you can get those prizes. The website would lose it's meaning and freedom, and it would all go to hell.

3 points

I would want one simple platter. One that has samples of every type of food known to man. You may call that cheating, I call it the perfect dish/loophole.

1 point

Basically, the purpose of religion (in my eyes) is to teach people to be nice, tolerant, accepting, treat others the way you want to be treated, all that good stuff. It's to install morals, so we don't end up with a generation of hooligans, smokers, whores, morons, jerks, ignorants, and things of those like.

Oh wait, we have that. It's called "today's teenagers".

1 point

All that I hear in real life is people's stupidity, I'd rather be deaf. I enjoy reading and seeing way too much to be blind.

2 points

Nostradamus made his predictions too vague so that no matter what, at some point in time, they can be interpreted to be 'accurate'. That's cheating. It's like as if I said "Someone will kill a nation's great leader". Oh, hey, look at that, it could have been Caesar, or maybe America's 16ht president. JFK? Ah, who knows. It's too vague for it to be definite.

1 point

I picked this side because I'm not quite sure where how I feel stands, but this seems like a good part.

I would say that god wouldn't send everyone to hell for ETERNITY, just long enough for you to learn your lessons, and then send you back to earth for round two.

1 point

At my funeral, everyone attending is dressing up like they're from the Victorian Era, no ifs, ands, or buts.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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