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RSS MichaelNP10

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1 point

Hi, i'm here to say blah blah blah of why i think technology is good for people. Then i have to think even more on why it's bad. I haven't had a Smartphone for 5 months, it changes you a lot. I see the myriad of activities done with assistance of smartphones. Who needs to know how to spell anymore when you can simply just spell it close enough and hit the auto correct. In one of my classes we got a sheet about ourselves. A question was if we had a phone. The teacher says how we would use them a lot during class. Proof to We are using devices more and more each day. The question was technology though. Technology makes our lives easier and role in helping us perform tasks more efficiently, efficiency is now an important concept for how fast things move these days. Technology is a great benefit to our learning, and helps us complete tasks. Lastly, our freedom is not restricted because we are allowed access to endless knowledge. An argument would be about military activities and being tracked. We have little difference in the decisions of our nation and they will do things as they will in secret or as public. If we are tracked its their fault for being creeps, if you have nothing to worry about then no worries. Who cares about good or bad, clearly results are it proves to help when used correctly and distract and hinder when it's misused. I didn't devote too many minutes of thinking to this like this is some English paper.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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