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RSS Mister_Man

Reward Points:20
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Emma Watson's dumbass little argument in front of the UN proved it... "I can guarantee you, in every single country, not every woman is treated equally." ...Not all men are either. Feminism is a movement to get women more rights than men.

"You say you were raped? Eh, she's probably telling the truth, if I asked any questions, I'd be fucking supporting rape."

1 point

I think an atheist is a person who lacks belief in Jesus Christ

Thanks for not saying "someone who asserts God/religion/Jesus is not real. However, a lot of us do believe Jesus existed, but don't believe he was the son of God, as we don't believe God exists. We don't assert he doesn't, we just don't believe what Christians/religious people say.

and one who puts faith into "science" and "logic".

Wow, second point and you've lost it already. Science is the act of performing testable studies on matter and whatever else. It's experimentation. What I think you're saying is stuff like origins of the universe, evolution, life span of Earth, etc? If so, we have evidence for evolution and have witnessed other Earth-like planets being formed, so not only is it not impossible for planets to naturally form, the chance that ours formed like any of the other billions is a lot greater than the invisible guy in the sky put it here. It's basically common sense now that Earth is a hell of a lot older than 11,000 years. We haven't come to a concrete conclusion on how the universe was created, but we have lots of hypothesis, and reasonable suspicion that there was an enormous explosion which is why the planets and galaxies are drifting apart. And seriously, faith in logic? What the shit kind of question is that? We blindly believe in logic? Give me a break.

An atheist also celebrates Christmas just so he can get gifts.

...And to spend time with family. Same with Easter. We get chocolate eggs and turkey and stuff.

Atheists also enjoy speaking about morality yet they do not live it.

It is possible to have your own moral standards. Just because you do what the invisible guy in the sky tells you to doesn't mean that's the only way to live.

Atheists tend to be full of hate especially towards Christians.

No. We tend to debate/argue with them because it's not only fun, but productive. Ever heard of the Christian dark ages? 1000 years of zero progress. The human race didn't advance at all because of Christianity. We could be exploring different galaxies by now, but hey, we aren't, and one of the reasons we aren't is probably because Christianity came in and said "nope, believe in the invisible guy in the sky instead of basic logic." There's a reason we took forced prayer out of schools. It accomplishes nothing.

They are best known for their repetitive religious cliche's.

They're pretty funny too. Those damn Atheists, celebrating Christmas to get gifts instead of bow down and worship the invisible guy in the sky. Ruining the world, I tell you!

They love to tell Christians they are close minded and are pretty predictable in their arguments.

Because they are, most of the time. I'll bet you my eternal torment in Hell that if I said you can't prove God exists, you would come right back with "you can't prove he doesn't." - It isn't up to me to disprove something somebody made up. You make a claim, you prove it. Simple as that.

I consider atheists to be elitists.


What a shame.

Oh yes, it's a shame that after 1000 years of zero progress and advancement of the human race, people stopped believing in Christianity and the human race actually started evolving and advancing. What a shame that we moved on from slaughtering people and burning them alive for not being Christian. I wish we lived back then, too.

1 point

So we don't need to deal with cults holding us back from advancing the human race. Enjoy praying your Cancer away.

2 points

Obviously we know everything in the Bible is true and just want to sin. fuk da polee--- fuck da gawd

1 point

It's also illegal for children to be looking at porn anyway. Hell, I did before I was 18, easily. Making something illegal to look at on the internet will hardly even put a dent in the amount of people that illegally look at it.

Also, as longas they have good parents that can teach them the difference between right and wrong, they won't think it's okay. But wait - they're children... say a 14 year old finds 14 year old porn... sex between the two would be okay, considering they're the same age.

1 point

lol... "evidence for God's existence is the Universe because I don't know how it came to be."

No. That is not evidence. That's actually evidence of flying unicorns. There's 16 sitting next to me right now eating glowing magical carrots.

If anything those claims seem more absurd than my faith.

"The invisible guy in the sky created 10^80 particles in a day" doesn't really hold any merit over "all particles have existed forever, and are expanding and contracting (we have evidence of this) over 10^10^56 years, creating big bangs every time around. We have witnessed planets forming from burnt up bits of star rock. We have evidence of planets forming, yet you chose to ignore it and say "God put it there" is more reasonable. Alright.

2 points

God showed him the path.

And God is all knowing, so for God to show this guy something means he is far from an idiot.

1 point

I won't assert that God (the one in any of the currently practiced religions) does not exist, but I will say the chance is so low that it's safe to assume he doesn't. Science has disproved religion on numerous occasions, proving the Bible is a book of metaphors and fairy tales. To still believe the Bible is right about God is kind of ridiculous. It's like saying "I understand a lot of the stories in the Bible are up to not only interpretation, but are meant to be metaphors, turning the Bible into a work of fiction, but hey let's still believe a couple of the things in it."

I haven't personally seen anything that supports the existence of God, so I will say it is safe to assume he probably doesn't exist.

1 point

It isn't a belief that a God does not exist, it's the lack of belief in a God. So no. It isn't classified as anything to do with religion. We don't believe in a God or religion, so how does that exactly make us religious?

1 point

Atheism is the lack of belief in a God and religion. To say this is a religion is ridiculous. I don't believe what the KKK does is right, does that mean I'm part of some kind of racial supremacist group? No. So because I don't believe in God or religion, does that mean I'm religious? No. Come on.

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