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RSS MohamedC

Reward Points:8
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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Efficiency Monitor

8 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't understand how monopoly markets compete with each other?

1 point

Full employment does not foreshadow economic growth, if anything does it is the competition of a free market.

MohamedC(8) Clarified
2 points

Basically, even though everyone has an income, it is not necessarily a growing income over time, reducing economic growth which takes into consideration ^RIperCapita / ^Time.

2 points

Even though most individuals have an income, the economy does not grow as fast as say in a free market, reducing the HDI index (therefore economic growth), which takes into account real income per capita.

0 points

This is the major repetitive cycle that a free market grows and develops economically from.

2 points

In a free/mixed market there is a competitive price system governed by the concept of the "invisible hand" that causes goods to be produced cost-efficiently, whereas in a planned economy, there is no definite price system in place causing goods to be sold at higher prices with no real regard to efficiency.

4 points

In Free/mixed markets firms look to make the highest profits and therefore produce at maximum efficiency. But oftentimes in this pursuit they can cause pollution, damage the environment and abuse natural resources. In a planned economy, the government could intervene and prevent this.

5 points

Governments can prevent the oversupply of demerit goods and the under-provision of merit goods

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