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RSS Monster96

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

In the United States, the government have opened girls' schools and boys' schools to segregate the masculine and feminine. Besides preventing premature coupling, the step is to protect female teachers and students from abuse by the males teachers.

1 point

It does not mean that students take advantage of a female teacher's gentleness. Many female teachers whom I have seen know how to control the class in a patient manner. Besides, many there are many female teachers like in the United States. They love their jobs and have no problem at all with their class. If problems arise from a teacher's patientness, the female teachers would have quit their jobs in frustration.

1 point

Even if ALice Walton inherited her riches, she founded Llama Company. She even served as President and CEO for some time.

1 point

True. There are irresponsible female teachers too. Regarding that, it is naturally helpless. But I have read newspapers daily. Based on my observations, I find that there are more men who posses that abusive habit. So it is safer for women to be teachers.

1 point

Not only men go for the 'higher status' jobs in the society. There are women billionaires such as Alice Walton from the United States. This proves that not only men pursue these kind of jobs. Men and women are considered equal. So why don't men become teachers?

1 point

It does relate to the topic. Based on your statement from before, males prefer to pursue higher income jobs. But there are males who take up jobs such as soldiers and police, which are low income jobs. Being a teacher is also a low income job. But why don't they work as one? This is because of their lack of confidence.

1 point

A job such as teaching requires patience and also forgiveness. Females have that personality in them. Male s are less patient and forgiving. Say, if a student forgets to do his homework, a punishment is bound to be put upon him. This can lead to depression.

1 point

If a male has a higher tendency to abuse students, I would say that female teachers are more trustworthy. It has been observed in newspapers, the horrible effects of abuses caused by male teachers. Many suicides have been reported linking to that. It is generally safer to have female teachers. If not, why would there be so many girls' schools around the world?

2 points

I agree with your point. But I want to add in that most males prefer more challenging jobs, such as architecture. Most females, however, have passion for teaching.

0 points

It is not true that a male would always take a decent income job. Examples are seen clearly, like in the military force. Most of the soldiers probably have their own family already. In fact, they are also helping to contribute to the country.

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