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RSS Negotiator95

Reward Points:9
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

No. If children were "equal" then what is the point of freedom of expression and our individualism?

0 points

Seriously you are against students freedom to expression and individualism? It DOES NOT form a family friendly environment. I mean in high school we are not little kids any more so why should it matter if we wear a shirt that says 'fuck' on it? Schools are bad enough with people skipping and fighting. And uniforms don't change that. Your argument is very invalid.

1 point

I think if you get raped and you get pregnant. That is the only excuse to get an abortion. Other than that, no.

1 point

Your statement is completely invalid. You say that what ever you wear distracts us from education but regardless you say the school is for education. What does Fashion have to do with Education? They come to learn and what ever they wear will not make a difference because I know schools that don't have uniforms and they good. Try again...

1 point

I can make an essay on why we SHOULD NOT have school uniforms but to make it short

1)Takes away our freedom to expression

2)Takes away our individualism

3)gang argument is completely invalid

4)Professionalism argument is invalid

5)ANYONE can put a school logo on a polo shirt

5)Equality argument is invalid

6)Unnecessary expenses for parents

Wanna argue? Try me..

2 points

I can make an essay on why we should NOT have to wear uniforms but to make it short:

1)It takes away our individualism

2)It takes away our freedom of expression

3)Professionalism argument is completely invalid

4)Equity argument is invalid

5)ANYONE can put a school logo on a polo and walk into a school.

1 point

I could make an essay on why we should NOT wear uniforms but to make it short

1)Takes away individualism

2)Takes away freedom of expression

3)Professionalism argument is invalid

4)ANYONE can put a school logo on a polo and go in the school

5)Equity argument invalid.

2 points

Your argument is invalid because it is not the "richer" students' fault that "poorer" kids can't afford nice clothes. People with nice clothes should not suffer like that. Please try again.

2 points

So you're saying it's THEIR fault we have to wear uniforms, just cause other people don't wanna pay them?! You're argument is very invalid. Try again.

1 point

This is exactly what I am talking about. For example, you go buy a really nice Avenged Sevenfold shirt that you really really want to wear. You can tell that person is a rock fan. So it is easier to express one another to wear what you want.

Negotiator95 has not yet created any debates.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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