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RSS NeoNazi5

Reward Points:10
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point

I do like Capitalism, because I favor freedom.

See, you're a good little Nazi just like me. Hitler loves you.

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point


What is the shape of your buttocks? .

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point

Quote me nom

"I like capitalism"-Amarel

My posting history is consistently against racism

"I hate Jews"-Amarel

1 point


Would you prefer that I eat your ass with peanut butter and jelly, gravy, or whipped cream and strawberries?

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point

Street gangs are often sworn enemies of other gangs, and no less criminal. Such is the case with commies and Nazis. I hold them as equals in my contempt.

You shouldn't hate yourself, it isn't healthy.

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point

The you are in disagreement with me.

No I'm not. Your entire posting history proves that you hate equality just like me. You want to have a capitalist market where everyone is in a different economic class based on how many moneys they have.

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point


What makes you think all races are equal you judenratte?

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
2 points

Hello Hootie. I noticed you are left wing. That makes me want to eat your ass with a burger and fries. Left wingers make me feel irritated like sand in my butt crack. I need to wash my butt crack with lies.

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point

Then you’re no Nazi.

But I am though, and I agree with you on everything.

you’re likely nom the commie

I hate commies though.

which makes you more accepting of Nazi-ike tyranny than I.

But the greatest form of tyranny is equality because it makes inferior races equal to naturally superior ones.

NeoNazi5(10) Clarified
1 point

I agree with everything you say. .

Winning Position: Breadcrumbs, a touch of lemon

About Me

I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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