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RSS NivaZimel

Reward Points:135
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Absolutely. Even believing there is no God requires faith that there really isn't one. What you base your faith on is not important. It still requires faith.

2 points

Only if nobody else is held accountable for theirs. Otherwise, absolutely. You make a mistake, own up to it and do better like I have to do. Suck it up and deal with it.

2 points

Only if nobody else is held accountable for theirs. Otherwise, absolutely. You make a mistake, own up to it and do better like I have to do. Such it up and deal with it.

1 point

There's no scientific grounding for evolution or philosophy, either.

Kids should be taught how to manipulate their financial and working life once they are out of school. They should be taught exactly how they are manipulated themselves by the powers that be and how to deal with it. They should learn their multiplication tables, and how to do math on paper and not with a machine. Machines are okay until they break down and render their user unable to think for himself.

1 point

As far as they choose any other course to study in school, absolutely.

But, as far as evolution vss. creation is concerned, that should be up to the parents what they want their children to know. Just like sex education. When it comes to crossing swords with the morals and religious beliefs I want my kids to have, hands off!

Kids aren't stupid, so don't underestimate them. Four-year-olds ask endless 'whys' for a reason--they want to know why. I do, too. If I'm told to believe something there had better be a good reason to.

Evolution is every bit as much a religion as creation is, but its purpose is selfish, and not at all altruistic.

2 points

The questioner did not specify whether he/she was talking about religious faith.

If people get married, they probably do so because they have faith in the other person to treat them well and be a good future parent. I wouldn't marry someone unless I thought those things of them, at least.

If one is an evolutionist, one has faith in what they have been told from educators. But since evolution, and a lot of other things, climate change among them, cannot be proven using conventional scientific methods (i.e., forming hypotheses based on seeming evidence and then trying to DISPROVE it, and IF it holds up, eventually accepting it as fact), then if one believes them, there is their 'faith.'

Some people have faith that religion is true because of the same reasons. They are either simply told to believe and they do, or else they require more elements of proof, and so they believe.

So, no, one cannot go through life having no 'faith' at all in anything. That's ludicrous. We all decide what we are going to believe, and why, whether that faith is in religion or anything else.

1 point

I disagree with your concept of what the soul is.

First, there shouldn't even be a question whether there is life after death. When a person dies, they are totally dead, cannot think, plan, feel love or hate anymore, and are totally inert. Case closed. The only future life that soul may have is future, and dependent solely on the one that created it in the first place. In other words, the only way a person can have "life after death" is to be resurrected from that death by a force outside themselves.

Churches teach that the soul continues to live after death, but that's not what the Bible teaches. It was Satan who said, "you won't die", to Eve, and she bought it.

But God warned man that if he disobeyed, he would LOSE HIS LIFE, i.e., NOT BE ALIVE anymore. Once man did not exist, then he was created, and after death, he does not exist anymore.

So, between the two, who would you trust? God, or Satan?

Since it was God who warned Adam of death for disobedience, and obviously this is what happened, it is the lie/Satan you cannot trust.

In Genesis, it is said that when God blew the breath of life into Adam, "he BECAME a LIVING soul." So, the soul includes the fleshly body and all that makes you the personality you are. That, the Bible shows over and over, is SUBJECT TO DEATH. (Ezekiel 18:4)

The conclusion of the matter is not whether the soul exists or not--it definitely does--but whether it is subject to death--again, which it obviously is.

1 point

Many would argue that man's concept of any afterlife at all comes solely from religious teaching, that left on his own, human beings would never think of such things to torture ourselves with.

But that is illogical reasoning, since it's totally obvious what happens to a person when they die--they are dead. They can't think or plan or dream or talk or do any work or feel any love or any hate anymore.

And, in fact, THIS is really what the Bible teaches happens to all of us when we die (Ecclesiastes 9:5-10).

Our souls cease functioning totally, the brain ceases all function, the flesh decays and we are put into a grave.

Now here's where it gets interesting.

Do a word search on on the word "hell" from various translations and see what you come up with.

You will come up with a description of bones, decany, all human functions ceasing, death, destruction, being under the earth, being accidentlly dug up by a farmer plowing, and other such phrases associated with death and dying.

All Bible translations teach that "hell" is not a place of continuing life, but a place of decay and inertia. So yes, if we die, we ALL go to some kind of "hell" (grave), whether it is in the ground in a box or cremated and in an urn or scattered on the ground.

As a Presbyterian youth I was taught that you were judged adversely, then sent to "hell," and that once that happened you could never get out.

But again the Bible sets us straight in Revelation 20:13,14, where it states that "death and hell GAVE UP those dead in them," (KJV), AND THEY WERE JUDGED." So they were judged AFTER they GOT OUT of "hell", and then judgment was based upon the things they did.

This teaching fits with all the rest of the Bible, where Jesus taught that all corruption would be cleansed from the earth, then there would be a general resurrection of the dead, and according to how they accepted what they were taught they were then judged before the end of the thousand year reign of Christ.

So "hell" is the grave, and you CAN get out of it by resurrection. AFTER you die and are resurrected from hell, THEN you are judged on how you use your life.

And if you live long enough in this world, eventually, we will all go to "hell".

: )

NivaZimel(135) Clarified
2 points

There are no "denominations under Christianity," because Christianity is Christianity, and we are told not to "go beyond what is written."

There is only one Christianity, one denomination which teaches the Bible and has God's approval through Jesus Christ. All others are "having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power, and from these turn away."--2 Timothy 3:1-5

2 points

Yes, they will cite "church doctrine" rather than scripture in support of their practices not found in the Bible.

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