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Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If you pity someone purely based on what they wear, then that is an issue with you. Possibly an internalised one. Respect is earned.

1 point

Were you never taught that respect is earned? Teachers should have to earn respect the same way students do.

1 point

So we should just be a door mat for everyone to walk all over. Sorry, but I'm not about to become a sucker for a piece of uncomfortable fabric.

1 point

Or maybe everyone should have a dress code, seems a bit more fair.

1 point

A high school student can be up to 18 years old, are they not considered "sensible" enough either?

1 point

Then maybe that's a sign that uniforms deter people from wanting to do something, like what we wear actually matters in that way.

1 point

Idea, how about it is just one DRESS CODE for every one. No uniform, Just rules like 'no vulgar language'.

1 point

So if someone was to racially abuse you on the street, or fire you because you're gay, then your response would be "Grow-up world is unfair sometimes"?

What a great message.

1 point

Using your logic, it is ok for the teachers to disrespect us just because we have to wear uniform. How about nobody wear it and we make school a more comfortable environment.

1 point

I disagree, just because you have gone through something uncomfortable doesn't mean other people should too, in fact it should be motivation to be sure no one else has to experience it. Secondly, wouldn't a shared interest bring you closer to other students (like a favorite musician or tv show) rather than simply dressing exactly alike. Lastly, taking away a young persons right to experiment with styles and express themselves through clothing does not develop personality.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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