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1 point

It is actually the Native Americans who created the term, of redskinned men.

1 point

It is the reason that the name was changed, and the motive isn't meant to be a racial motive

1 point

"It may seem to some that the name is a racial slur, but that count is undoubtedly few. As Brooke Friesen made in her argument citing Megan Kelly, a Fox News reporter, that recently a number of Native Americans were polled and 90% of them answered that the name was unoffensive. Since you believe that history is supposedly on your side, you'll find it interesting that the origin of the term "redskin" wasn't originally a racial slur and still isn't. The origin was referring too the pigments some Indian tribes using time of war as during skirmishes during the Creek War which took part in 1813. Some evidence of this were the Creek Muscogee Indians, also known as Redstick Indians, who used red painted weapons and painted their faces and parts of their body red, which may of contributed to the name "redskin indians". Also, what many people are meaning when they honor the indians with the name is that during the Creek War, "Redstick Indians" attacked Fort Mims, which is located near Mobile Alabama. The Indians defeated the American Troops resulting in a major victory for the Indians, this might cause Americans at the time to start to respect Native Americans of the region and come up with a name to honor them, Redskin. Also, as I have said in my previous statement, if Native Americans truly cared so much about the removal of the name wouldn't they have at least peacefully protested, as they are allowed to since it is their basic right, stated in the Bill of Rights, First Amendment."-j_millan

2 points

Have any of you thought about what would be the after fact of the name being changed?

The things that would need to be in the works.

-Designing new uniforms

-creating a new logo

-Renovating the stadium

-Making new up to date contracts

And don't even make me mention about the fan gear. So many of the people with old Redskin fan gear, would have to either buy New Jerseys and other fan gear, or they could keep the old fan gear, and root for an nonexistent team.

Here is a paragraph from a news article:

The Washington Redskins were originally known as the Boston Braves. In 1933, the team moved from Braves Field, which they shared with baseball's Boston Braves, to Fen way Park, already occupied by the Boston Red Sox. Co-owner George Preston Marshall changed the name to the Redskins, possibly in recognition of the then–head coach William Henry "Lone Star" Dietz, who claimed to be part Sioux. On July 6, 1933, the Boston Herald reported that "the change was made to avoid confusion with the Braves baseball team and the team that is to be coached by an Indian (Dietz)... with several Indian players."

1 point

I find this unnerving, that u think it is offensive,

0 points

The Washington Redskins were originally known as the Boston Braves. In 1933, the team moved from Braves Field, which they shared with baseball's Boston Braves, to Fenway Park, already occupied by the Boston Red Sox. Co-owner George Preston Marshall changed the name to the Redskins, possibly in recognition of the then–head coach William Henry "Lone Star" Dietz, who claimed to be part Sioux. On July 6, 1933, the Boston Herald reported that "the change was made to avoid confusion with the Braves baseball team and the team that is to be coached by an Indian (Dietz)... with several Indian players."

1 point

Please state your source, because if you remember the video we were watching in class, it said the

At most didn't mind the name, and some were fans because it honored them, and their race

0 points

But they were "red, skinned" warriors, and that's why they chose the name, I think, because they were a fierce fighting force.

1 point

Then don't write the same answer and find something else to say. Like find more evidence, it helped in debate club, :)

1 point

Did you know that Indian casinos are on Indian reservations, and are run by natives who own the land?

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic
Education: College Grad

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