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RSS PanayotisP

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Among the lands that they conquered, The Mongols mainly had the settlements surrender to them and prove loyalty. That is the only occasion where those from the conquered regions would be able to practice free religion.

PanayotisP(12) Clarified
1 point

What are some of the rights that women have in this society that differs from another empire in this region?

1 point

Al-Mustasim: Became the last Caliph of Baghdad after a ten day destruction of his city of Baghdad.

3 points

Al-Mustasim: The Mongols took great advantage in his weak defense and looked past his surrendering. Because of Mustasim's history of ignoring Helugu, Helugu saw this as an act of aggression and completely ignored a surrendering.

2 points

Al Mustasim: He was an Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad. Viewpoints of his differed from those of his conflicting advisors. This gave the opportunity to Helugu, a grandson of Khan, to conquer the Caliph and his advisors, killing him and the already surrendering advisors.

1 point

Khan's social policies were liberal for that time. One example of this was him putting forth a policy that supported religious tolerance. This inspired Loyalty in formerly oppressed groups like Taoists and Buddhists.

1 point

The Mongols increased communication through Eurasia by developing the Yam System which was used by Merchants, horses and riders. It consisted of weigh stations and was an area where information could be quickly exchanged.

1 point

Cuisine was able to travel along trade routes. Because of the Mongols’ trade routes, rice became a major part of the Persians’ diets.

1 point

Ghengis Khan and the Mongol’s did not leave behind much in terms of Agriculture and language. In Persia, they completely blended in, making them completely unrecognizable by the 15th century.

3 points

Mongol’s conquests were a major factor in transmitting and transporting the bubonic plague, from Southern China to Central Asia. it followed familiar paths of trade and military conquest. A large amount of the Mongols' spreading of the plague was believed to be intentional as a way of Biological warfare.

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