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RSS PasserbyPork

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yeesh, I'm religious but I can sniff out trolls. I am voting against you just to annoy the troll :)

Plus, "God Is On CreateDebate" makes it sound like "User God is online right now," which is not true because there is always some grasshole that takes the name God and doesn't do anything with it... so ya, phrase that clearly please. Clearly is such a weird word.


1 point

Wait, hold up, wouldn't I be dead if he was condemning everyone to death? Surely, after a couple of years... well, since he has political power, everyone would be dead. I can't exactly worship him, because I'm most likely dead. Plus, religious or not, idolatry isn't cool. He probably killed my family already, so that's unforgivable... of course this is all speculation.

I guess that we are missing the bigger picture that we will die if we do not agree to this. Well, this depends on how he could kill me and where we are.... who knows, I could possibly beat him with my fists if we are alone. If he has people with him, I guess I would commit suicide if I could, and if not, I will bow down, and secretly plot to kill him. Well, religious values aside of course.

1 point

My side isn't "Screw that," but more of a "Let's think of a better name here."

First person makes me think of First person shooters. Very awkward as a political title... but in all seriousness, first person is a perspective, so it's not a very good name.

First Gentleman seems a little, off, but let's use that as what we should do if we can't come up with anything... Plus, "First Lady" isn't an actual title; it's unofficial. We can change it or bend it at will. Soooo yeah :3

1 point

Scientology is a religion and I have yet to see a man from the Church Of Scientology kill a man... I have yet heard of a man to preach "Kill the Islams, kill the Atheists, all of them must die." If each and every religion killed everyone who disagreed with them, then wouldn't only one religion be left and I wouldn't be friends with a Hindi, Islam, Catholic, and Atheist? If you are referencing the terrorist attacks, they did that because of what the US did to them. Didn't we take uranium and oil from them? Here is a quote from an article I read:

Robert Pape says "The central fact is that overwhelmingly suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland. From Lebanon to Sri Lanka to Chechnya to Kashmir to the West Bank, every major suicide-terrorist campaign--over 95 percent of all the incidents--has had as its central objective to compel a democratic state to withdraw."

No, extremists didn't cause the attack, strategists did... A lot of Middle Eastern countries are very serious about Islam, and being Iranian, I know that they usually jail instead of kill, then exiled. But this is a debate about Christianity, so let's reference this.

Matthew 5:43 You have heard that it was said,”Love your neighbor and hate your enemies”. But I (Jesus) say to you, love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you.

There are probably men who are Christian and killed someone. Those people deserve to be put in a mental hospital, because very plain and simple, you are NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL. Christianity isn't violent... some very foolish people are violent. My guess is that ignorance leads to violence... plus, it's not like Atheists are COMPLETELY clean either... Napoleon Bonaparte?

1 point

There isn't really anything to say about it but lololol... That was funny.

Winning Position: Unresolved

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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