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RSS PestyGenius

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I totally agree! What they're describing in this constitution is basically a unitary government. If we support this constitution, the power of the people will most certainly be lost! We should just fix the Articles of Confederation and resolve this!

1 point

At least in Mississippi, not too much in my opinion. I mean the basic stuff is there but there but there's not a lot of detail of effects of racism. Yes, they discuss slavery and the civil rights movement but they only list the adversities POC faced back then and then they go on to say it was fixed by this act or amendment. None of them really discuss how it still effects us today. If anything, we should talk about race more. Racism is so intertwined to U.S. history, it would be ignorant not to talk about it extensively. I mean our country had a civil war over this! How could you not talk about it? And by discussing racism's effects and its impact today, the country can heal further. By acknowledging the U.S.'s terrible past, we can create a better future and not make the same mistakes as our ancestors. Would any of this be happening now if we had acknowledged our history and tried to fix it earlier on? Maybe not. Racism is kind of like a weed. Ignore it and it will overrun a whole garden. Pull it out by the roots and it will make it incredibly harder to grow back.

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