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RSS Physician

Reward Points:15
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I'm 6 feet and 11 inches. I feel very tall, but I have adapted to it.

1 point

All though I don't think that the death penalty is not warranted from this:

The death penalty is not a punishment, but is rather for the safety of others. Punishments are imposed on one for that person to learn. However, the death penalty does not give one the chance to rehabilitate and change, but rather for the safety of others; One can break out and again or commit what is not conform to our laws (Which are legislated based upon what we think of morality).

1 point

In self-defense, yes. However, when the person is already dead, remember that animals aren't conscious. They only have what we call instinct. When it experiences something, and an effect takes place, they are going to remember that as if if they do that, that effect, again, will take place. So, only hold the animal captive.

1 point

Politically, he/she is not because he/she doesn't have limits (Limits on action), responsibilities (The fetus does not take care of something, and holds accountability for that/or is not responsible for any happenings), and legal liability (He/She is not legally bound and obliged to pay debts). HOWEVER, that's not the reason why I'm for abortion.

Biologically, the fetus is alive. Life is the existence of an organism. It is also unlawful, therefore murder. However, how is it suppose to consent to it? Remember that it can not feel; the body and its functions are simply under development; It's not all that you're murdering, but rather simply ending the process.

1 point

But because of that, it also makes a difference in the meaning.

2 points

Atheism is the default position that people take because either they can not come up with evidence, haven't found evidence, or both.

1 point

In the Bible, God says that if we pray in Jesus's name, our prayer shall come true without any restrictions whatsoever. Yet, some prayers never even come true.

1 point

For light, black is not a color. EM waves are reflected, while others are absorbed, depending. However, black objects don't reflect any. It simply absorbs them. Why isn't black in the EM spectrum? The spectrum originated from the Rainbow. The Sun radiates light. A rain droplet disperses white light into its component colors (Since it has a thin and fat end) and refracts it at an angle, with red being on the top, and violet being in the bottom. Black isn't there.

1 point

For pigment, black is a color. Mix all the 3 primary colors (Red, yellow, and blue) using liquid paint or even food coloring. You won't get a jet black, but the point will be clear.

1 point

Like others have said, a word does not need an s suffix in order to be plural.

Math sounds better than maths.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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