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RSS Poiesis

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

When people can't admit that I'm right, it means that they can't admit that they are wrong. If they can't do that then they are going to have a very frustrating life because the facts won't change any more than they will.

People who refuse to admit when they are wrong become their own worst enemies.

1 point

People have a right to decide on what is right for their own children.

It is not the government's right to dictate to someone how to raise their children.

Since the lesson plan is controlled by the government also, it would be giving them a tremendous amount of power over how we see the world around us. They would be able to dictate what is or isn't fact by penalizing those who have different opinions.

1 point

No doubt about it. Ignorance. It's an epidemic.

We should find a cure for it as soon as possible.

1 point

I'm going to say no. Not because it is ruining teens, but because it's not an invention of this generation.

It's just "Instant Messaging" ported to a phone. People have been using text based messaging for over 30 years.

Also, it's inferior to just using the phone itself. It takes less time to convey information via speech.

1 point

Absolutely not.

It separates the family, and shapes the way we see the world by dictating what will and will not be taught.

In this country, and this day and age, it is possible to receive an education for anyone who actually wants one. The institute of higher learning is called "The Library." My grandparents taught me how to read before I even started kindergarten.

The only thing school teaches you is how to do what you are told, and to fit in with your peers or be punished.

1 point

It sure is. Those were my thoughts exactly.

Somebody got paid real well for that too.

Now THAT is crazy.

1 point

Here's another example: What about child molesters?

Do you have a child molest them?

I'm sure that would work out great.

2 points

This is clearly an advertisement. It's a targeted attempt at viral marketing.

The site is built around a trailer for the movie Devil's Due which will be released on January 17th.

That doesn't really come off as crazy to me, although it does seem stupid.

Perhaps even irresponsible.

1 point

Equating Islam with terrorism is like equating Christianity with mass murder and genocide.

The truth of the matter is that PEOPLE are terrorists, not Muslims. PEOPLE are murderers, liars, thieves... and so forth...

People find excuses to do whatever it is their own twisted agenda dictates.

1 point

I would have to say yes.

You can if you throw darts at it. :)

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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