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RSS Princessa

Reward Points:58
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ofchourse we can find exceptions in everything. However, i say in general that it is not ethical. I don't want my son to marry a boy, or daughter to marry a girl. It will look strange and bad from religious side.

1 point

The same sex marriagies will change the foundation of society.It will take a long time to adapt to new social norms.

1 point

I liked your ideas that it is a waste of money to pay them for the same sex couples. They won't give us future generation. Moreover, people will look at you strangely. More diseases will appear. From religious side it is a thin.

1 point

I agree with you that the same sex marriagies shouldn't be allowed. There are many reasons to support this statement. One of them is that it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems.

2 points

I want to say that it is not happiness. It confuses children about gender roles and expectations of society, and only a man & woman can pro-create. Each sex will lose its values.

2 points

I think there is a limitation in marriagies. You can't marry the same sex person. If there wasn't any limitation, people would marry to the same sex before. There were a lot of famous people who were gays in the past such as Makedonskii,Groznii and so on.

2 points

It will reduce the population of the world, because people won't be able to continue the generation.

1 point

If you don't want to see these children, so they must have both father and mother. NO one will judge their parents then.

1 point

It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our society.

1 point

It is not the reason to allow the same sex marriagies. In my opinion, a child will be halfly developed. He will get only the information about men from his fathers or only th information about the women.

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Winning Position: for
Winning Position: For
Winning Position: for

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