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RSS Prontopup

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
2 points

I see somebody making multiple account and craving for attention, whatever floats your boat I guess.

There are two definitions of Christian that I see commonly used:

1) Somebody who believes the Bible is the literal word of God, and it is absolute truth

2) One who believes Jesus is the Son of God and wants to use Him as the model of the human being they wish to be.

Definition 1, if followed exclusively, leads to fundamentalism, and I don't believe Sitara is a fundamentalist.

Definition 2 is a type of Christian who is capable of questioning their Holy Book, because to them it is Jesus who is most important, not a book. I think Sitara meets definition 2, but my opinion isn't what is important, what is important is the ideal which Sitara wants to follow.

Just my opinions of course.

1 point

There is no capitalism, capitalism naturally degrades into corporatism because wealth is power and influence. Corporatism is bad, capitalism is a pipe dream.

3 points

If I was an idealist, I would be a complete anarchist, but since I am cynical about human nature, I think we need laws of some sort to keep people tearing each others throats out. But the ideal of course would be to have no laws, but the world is not ideal.

1 point

There are no objective/absolute morals, only subjective/relative ones? Why? because different cultures and religious have different codes of ethics, except for some they share which are simply good ideas for social cohesion (and perhaps came all the way from our pre-human ancestors). The only absolutes are cosmological in origin, or exist in the abstract universe of Mathematics. But absolute morals? No, evidence of this.

As for a Godless nation not prospering, which nation do you refer to? Perhaps you make a reference to the US becoming more liberal or irreligious? By what definition does the US prosper either under God or without Him, since most of the wealth is in the hands of a few?

I am not strictly speaking a pagan, but the version of the Golden Rule is the Witches Rede, which says "An' it harm none, so as you will". That rule if followed would bring order to society, and the question of God existing or not becomes rather irrelevant.

1 point

Puppies are cute because we are evolved to like cute things. Why so? Because it makes us more likely to like babies and protect them, which is a good idea because it allows a species to continue. Of course there is also a certain amount of subjectivity also in what is "cute" or not also.

2 points

There are religions without God, and there are schools of thought within Theism that says its good to question. Religion is mostly a political tool anyway, spirituality is a different story; it is possible to to be of no religion and yet believe in God.

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